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His name had become legendary in a few short years. 

There was a ruthless young pirate sailing the world who was said to have amassed a rather large fortune by the age of twenty two. And that only made up for part of his reputation. He was also notorious for having conquered a generous number of women, which wasn't unusual for the likes of him. But  he was rumored to be the most perfectly stunning creature on the face of the earth. 

It wasn't until I was brought before him as his captive that I realized what grave danger lay within his eyes. I was hypnotized by their depth as he stood towering above me, letting them roam over every inch of my body. I had a mind to be infuriated at his audacity, yet I felt weak, as if his eyes worked some sorcery over me. However, I had no intention of letting him see my weakness. I stood as tall as I could and glared up at him. 

"You will never have me," I practically spat at him. "I would sooner die before I let you rob me of my purity," I said, squaring my shoulders and setting my face in rebellion, although my insides were quivering in fear.

A devious grin played at the corners of his mouth and then his head fell back and a guttural laugh erupted from his throat. "Darling, you've been misinformed. I steal many things. But I never take a woman by force."

I kept my jaw firmly set, relieved to hear that he had at least a sliver of decency.

Then, he unnerved me further by leaning in so close that his lips brushed against my ear. Had any other man approached me in such a way, I would have given him a sound slap across his face. But I didn't move an inch, still not knowing whether he may become violent.

"No, darling," he said, his heavy voice seeping into my ear. "I simply wait." He lingered too long for my comfort, letting his breath ruffle my hair and creep along my skin. Despite my feelings of disgust for his overly familiar mannerisms, something deep inside of me was awakened, something not unlike hunger or thirst, a palpable need I'd never encountered before.

He spoke again. "No, I simply wait for a woman until she becomes so overwhelmed with desire that she simply cannot refrain from touching me, begging me to bed her. There's no pleasure to be had in taking a woman who's cursing and fighting it. It's gratifying  when I finally win her full cooperation. It's far more pleasurable to hear her whimpering for me, pleading for me to have my way with her."

His lips touched my ear in a light kiss and I flinched, but I willed my body to stand firm. I closed my eyes as he placed small kisses under my ear and down my neck. I knew I should be outraged, appalled even, at his brazen acts upon my person. My heart raced in my chest, but I felt sick, realizing that it wasn't from the fury that should have been boiling inside of me.

The captain continued his assault on my virgin skin, leaving small wet kisses across my jaw, all the way to my other ear, where he finally breathed, "Many a sound-minded maiden have graced this ship with their presence and believed that they had the firmness to resist me. But I assure you, most beautiful of all maidens, that your resolve will eventually crumble. There has never been a woman successful at refusing the advances of Captain Harry Styles."

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