and also partially because she was terrified that this moment, might be their last happy one before everything goes up in flames like it's supposed to. She had no idea what was going to happen and she wasn't sure if she would even make it out alive. There was no telling what the future held but the one thing that was certain was...

she would do anything to keep Clint safe. She would do anything to keep any of them safe because they were her family now. And she would do anything to keep any of them safe..

no matter the costs.

"It's time to finally get up." Clint sighed while Katherine turned around in bed, placing the pillow over her face. "Come on Kat, we can't stay here forever.."

Katherine sighed as she removed the pillow from her face and just looked up at Clint. "What if we could...?" Katherine looked at him with a serious face.

He laughed slightly before stopping once he noticed that Katherine wasn't kidding. "Kat, you know we can't do that. They're expecting us back at the base.."

"I know, I know. But..what if we just stayed here? What if we just didn't go back? I mean, we could stay here and live our lives like normal people? We could stay here and raise our family..." Katherine looked at Clint desperately trying to see if he was going to say yes.

"Katherine..." Clint gave Katherine a weak smile, grabbing her hands and soothing them. Just by the look on his face, Katherine already knew his answer. "I want that as much as the next S.H.I.E.L.D. agent but we can't just walk away."

"Sure we can." Katherine pleaded. "We can just stay here and raise our family, we can keep our child safe here..where no one can harm him or her.."

Clint just looked at Katherine like she was crazy. This was coming completely from left field. It was like this was a completely different Katherine.

"I love you, and there's nothing I would want more than to have a normal simple life with you but we can't just walk away.." Clint looked at Katherine, taking her face in his hands. "We made a promise to help protect others, we're Avengers and as much as we hope. we cant just walk away like nothing.."

"Oh.." Katherine said sadly as she felt like her whole world was being ripped apart. Clint already knew what she was thinking; she was thinking that he was choosing S.H.I.E.L.D. over her, which wasn't the case.

"Katherine, I love you and nothing's going to change that. I want to take a step back from the field to raise a family with you but running away is not the answer.." Clint brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Katherine sighed. "I know it was dumb to ask...just thought I'd ask anyways.." She looked down at her lap, messing with her fingers. "I-I.." Katherine started stuttering, trying to tell Clint the truth. "I-I...I just can't wait to start on that simple life with you..." Katherine smiled sweetly at Clint as she leaned over and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Me too.." Clint smiled. "Don't worry, when the time comes..We'll come back here. But we'll have an addition to our team." Clint smiled as he leaned down towards Katherine's stomach. It was still flat and barley a bump was forming. You could hardly tell. He smiled at her stomach before looking back up at her.

"Come on, let's get back to base." Katherine said, finally getting out of bed. 

Road To Redemption♥ (Avengers/Clint Barton Fanfic) [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now