Chapter 22!! - Is This Death?

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, I was swept off my feet and lifted up into the air! Of course, I screamed in shock. It took a couple seconds, but eventually I balanced. Oh my god! I was flying! I could fly! I seriously could not stop smiling. I've always wanted to fly! I felt so light! Like a bird without the tiring flapping of my wings. From up here, I could see the town and in the distance, my house! Yes! This was all so familiar. It obviously hadn't happened to me before... then why did it feel like it had?

So I focused and flew myself over to my house. I wasn't very balanced, but I eventually got the hang of it. Except landing. I didn't know how to land. So I crash landed in my front yard, skidding in the snow. I just laughed at myself. I'm such an idiot! Hahaha! The snow didn't even feel remotely cold against my exposed arms and legs. I picked myself up and dusted off before walking towards the front door. It was open, so I just turned the handle and opened the door. I was actually a little bit nervous about seeing dad. I mean, how am I going to explain to him that I'm not dead? I had no idea! Then I heard a squeal of joy coming down the hallway. I smiled as Ciara turned the corner and came into view, laughing and smiling. Her hair looked longer and she looked older... but it had only been a day or two, hadn't it? Then I saw someone I most definitely was not expecting. Thomas! He was chasing her as they played tag or something. Ciara turned and ran up the stairs, followed by her brother, who also looked older. What? I was standing right at the door. How could they not see me? I shrugged it off though. I made my way to the kitchen. I just couldn't wait to tell dad that I could fly! And if Thomas was here... that must mean mum's here too! Yes! Mum and dad can see me together! That made me walk to the kitchen even faster with anticipation, where I could hear their voices. They were just talking about how busy it was this morning at work for mum. I had this massive smile on my face as I came into the kitchen. I just froze when I saw them. I hadn't seen them together in so long. And they were smiling.

"You know it was supposed to happen today. Belle's future was supposed to be decided today. And I wanted to be here for it. But you know I couldn't come back any sooner. I really wish I could have. But I just couldn't," mum explained as she washed the dishes, placing them neatly in a pile to the side.

"I know. But Belle did get to see you again before she died," dad said, drying dishes. I just smiled weakly.

For a couple of moments, I looked around the room. Everywhere there were photos of me. Whether it be with Mum and dad, mum, dad and baby Ciara, or just Ciara and I.

My heart jumped for a moment. I wanted to say something but there words refused to escape my lips. Then I heard laughing and running against the wooden floor towards the kitchen. I turned to the door I stood in front of it, facing outside.

When Ciara came up to me...

She went straight through me.

All of the air was sucked out of me and I clutched my chest as I struggled to regain my breath. Then Thomas came up and he too ran straight through me. I'm a ghost. Lifeless and invisible. No! What's happened to me?! I must be dead! Oh my god. I was having a panic attack I swear. I abruptly turned back around, shocked out of my mind with what just happened, still clutching at my heaving chest.

"No running in the kitchen please!" Mum laughed, dodging Ciara.

"Sorry mum," Thomas chuckled, wrapping his arms around Ciara and carrying her through me and out of the room as Ciara kicked and laughed. I was really scared. I swear I've died. I felt so pathetic and invisible. I... I just wanted to be seen. The Guardians! They must be able to see me! Hopefully they know what's going on. So I ran out of the house and flew away.

It took a while, but I found the North Pole eventually. The bridge that had been destroyed now stood rebuilt and perfectly stable. What? It couldn't have possibly been more than a couple of days! I was really shocked at how quickly everything has happened. I flew up to the window I had flown in through before, and pushed hard against it. It wasn't budging!

"Woah!" I gasped as it opened and I fell through and landed on my side, hurting my shoulder. I swear I bruised it or something.

"Ow!" I laughed to myself. Standing up, I dusted off the beautiful skirt I was wearing and fixed it up. I made my way towards the globe control area. Wow these shoes were comfortable! I didn't come across a single yeti during the whole walk. I could hear them all downstairs working furiously though. There were just none on this level. As the Globe Controls came into view, I noticed a figure, sitting against a wooden pole, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't help but smile at him. His staff stood beside him. I don't know why, but I wanted to cry.



That's right guys. Belle is alive. Sorry if you wanted her to actually be dead :/ I hate it when there isn't a happy ending. Plus she's the main character! She needs to live! But is she really alive? And yes she did come out of the lake just like Jack did. But why? Why exactly like Jack? I guarantee you she isn't a Guardian. That's a little too predictable, hey? Hahahaha! Love you guys so much! Vote, comment, add whatever!

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