Chapter 24 - Remembering:

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Your heartbeat continues its decreasing, as the echoes of light screams fill your ears. You know the screams aren't actually light; in fact the screams are heavy. Heavy enough to allow the noticeable pierce of terror be heard within who's voice it belongs to.

'Lydia.' - you manage to think.

How your mind is still understanding situations, you don't even know. That's one thing you will never understand.

"(Y/N)," you just about hear. "Hey, can you hear me?"

Your eyes wander, and you feel the unintended raise of your brows to help keep your eyes open.

"She was hit real hard," someone says.

'Was that Derek?'

"I know," another agrees. "Wait is that... oh no. She's bleeding!"
"Oh shit," someone who seems to be Derek says with a panicked tone.

You feel arms slip underneath you, and lift you up gently from the floor. You head weakly flops over the person's arm, and that's all you remember...


*Beep, Beep...*

You hear what seems to be a beeping sound, the type that you hear if you're in hospital.

"Ugh..." you groan, opening your eyes as you place your hand on your forehead to soothe the throbbing pain.

You look around and realise you're in a hospital room, in a hospital bed. Confused, you sit up and immediately feel aches throughout your body as you look around again, seeing if there is anyone you know who could explain the events that have taken place in order for you to be in the hospital. Unfortunately, there is no one.

"Scott?" You call out, your voice weak. "Derek?"

You slide your legs over to the side of the bed groaning in pain due to the aches, and stand, looking down at your arms.

"Damn tubes," you mutter under your breath as you take the tubes and wires out and off of your body. "Isaac? Liam?" You call. "Lydia? Melissa? Anyone?" You call out different names to have any possible attention.

You walk to the room door and open it slightly, peeping your head around to look outside in the hallway.

"Sheriff Stilinski? St-" you stop, hesitating to say his name.

'I'm starting to remember!'

You stand still, almost as though you are frozen as you recall vividly what had happened.

*A few hours ago*

"Stiles, this isn't you," Lydia says, emotion being heard within the way she speaks.
Void Stiles laughs amusingly. "Don't you think I know that?"
"Why would you know?" Isaac asks.
"It was a rhetorical question," Void Stiles frowns.
"Enough with your bitch argument," Derek interrupts Isaac and Void Stiles. "What do you want?"

Void Stiles pauses dramatically and grins with that evil expression you realise he's been pulling almost all this time he's been with you and the others.

"Don't be playing any games," you tell him strictly. "We haven't got time for bullshit."
"Haven't got time?" Void Stiles asks. "If that were true, you wouldn't have had the time to be falling for my bullshit."
"Oh damn," Liam says, looking at you. "That was a good comeback."
"Shut up Liam," Derek tells him firmly.
"So, what do you want?" Scott asks Void Stiles curiously. "I've actually thought it through, and there is nothing we have that you could possibly want."
"That's not true," Void Stiles informs him. "If it were, I wouldn't be here now would I?"
"Maybe you're just an asshole," you frown, crossing your arms with attitude.

Void Stiles smirks deviously, and looks at each of you for a split second but then keeps his eyes locked to you.

"You wanna know why I'm here? I'm here, for you," he says still staring at you with tension.
"Me?" You ask surprised.

Void Stiles nods and takes a few steps towards you until Scott, Liam, Derek and Isaac stand in front of you protectively, not allowing Void Stiles to make any physical contact.
Void Stiles grins and turns around slowly, his back facing towards you.

"I see how it's gonna be," he says, pausing before his next move.

By the time the boys, Lydia and yourself figure out that his dramatic pause was for something terribly wrong to happen, Void Stiles has already turned himself around and launched Scott, Liam, Derek and Isaac back with his powerful force.

"No!" You yell in both fear and worry.

Void Stiles smirks as he begins to make his way towards you. You stand still in shock as he all of a sudden seems much stronger than he was before. As your mind panics and flusters, you don't realise that Lydia has taken Scott, Liam, Derek and Isaac's place, and stands in front of you - trying to stop Void Stiles from harming you.
Just as you realise Lydia has sacrificed herself just like the boys did, your mind comes back around from its confused state and your face tenses.
Void Stiles throws his arms towards Lydia, sending a very powerful force to most likely kill her. Lydia squints her face and stands heroically, knowing that this force is dangerous and is going to take her life. However, just as the force reaches Lydia, it hits 2mm before her and doesn't leave any mark.
Lydia opens her eyes and realises that there is a white shield covering her...
She turns around and notices your full black eyes and the glowing of white from your hands.

"You saved me," she says in appreciation.
"Go," you tell her. "Run!"

Lydia nods and begins to run. You watch her run off safety and over to the guys to make sure they're alright.
Once you turn your head to face Void Stiles again, he chuckles evilly.

"So legendary of you to save your friends," he says in a fake, 'pleased' tone.

You say nothing in return and instead, glare intensely at him with your hands still glowing a bright white, and your eyes still dark as night.
Stiles grins as he clicks his neck and shakes off his arms, getting ready to fight you with both of your forces.

"Let's do this," he says.
"Gladly," you snarl and you both begin to approach each other, face to face.

That's, when it happened.

To be continued...

Thanks for reading this Chapter even though I have taken my time writing lol. I hope you enjoy and I really appreciate you all reading!
Sorry for the long wait and sorry for such a short Chapter. I will be updating again soon. (:

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