Chapter 8 - Interrogation:

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"What about (Y/N)?" Stiles asks.
"What about her?" Scott asks, totally forgetting that you collapsed, broke out into a seizure and now, is acting strange.
"The fact that she might be being possessed too," Stiles says, suggesting the possession of you.
"Possessed?" Derek asks. "I don't think she's being possessed."
"Why not?" Stiles asks. "You don't know that for sure."

Derek groans as he knows what Stiles is hinting for. He launches himself across the room in Stiles' swivel chair and leans forward towards you.

"Come here," he says to you, gesturing his index finger for you to come closer.

You manoeuvre to the edge of Stiles' bed and lean forward closer to Derek. Derek uses his hands to gently lift your right eyelid up, and tells you to look down. Once you look down, Derek mumbles and moves to your left eye. He lifts your eyelid up and gasps, jumping back.

"What?" You ask with a paranoid tone.
"What is it?" Stiles asks, worried.
"She, she's not being possessed," Derek tells you.
"Then, what?" Stiles asks.
"I don't know," Derek replies.
"What? What do you mean you don't know?!" Stiles is getting frustrated.
"Stiles," Scott tries to get his attention, but Stiles is flipping out.
"How the fuck can't you know? You jumped back in fear, you must know something!" He shouts at Derek and stands up whilst he yells.
"Stiles," Scott says again, but louder.
"I mean, unless you have no fucking idea what you're doing Derek."

Derek's facial expressions are becoming tense as Stiles continues to insult him, and Scott notices the fury escalating within Derek.

"Stiles!" Scott shouts, finally stopping him. "You need to control yourself."
"Control myself?" Stiles asks and laughs a little. "I'm not the one who needs help controlling anything."
"Are you saying that because I'm a werewolf?" Scott asks, slightly getting offended.
"Maybe," Stiles replies.
"Well maybe you need to stop with your attitude," Scott directly suggests.
"Maybe my attitude is bothering you because I'm practically telling you straight and you don't like that, because you think you're the boss," Stiles offends Scott. "You know, just because you're an alpha, doesn't mean you can control everyone."

Scott stands up face to face with Stiles and you flinch to how quickly Scott rises from the edge of the bed.

"Stop Stiles," Scott says firmly.

Stiles chuckles to himself and little, and then his face starts to drop slowly. Scott notices his expression, and knew something was going to happen.

"Stiles?" He says, trying to keep Stiles' focus on him.

Stiles seemingly doesn't hear him. His eyes start to wander, and roll back.

"Stiles!" Scott yells as Stiles falls.

Scott catches him and let's him down gently.

"That's not going to be Stiles when he wakes up," Derek tells you both.
"I know," Scott says and sits back on the edge of the bed, placing his head in his hands in agonising distress.

You suspire and ease Scott by rubbing his back for comfort.

"This is all too much already," Scott mumbles underneath his breath. "And what was going on with (Y/N) just then?"
"Oh uh..." Derek doesn't know what to say. "N-nothing."

You give Derek a confused look, considering he jumped back in fear to "nothing."

"I don't know what to do," Scott sighs.
"Hey," Derek says and leans in closer to Scott. "Don't give up yet. I know you're better than that."
"Give up?" Scott says confusingly as he lifts his head. "I'm not giving up. I would never give up on him."
"Good," Derek says and looks down to Stiles, who is still unconscious.

You and Scott follow Derek's eyes and look down to Stiles too.

"How long do you think it'll be?" Scott asks.

You shrug your shoulders and Derek shakes his head unknowing.
Just then, the bedroom door opens and in walks Scott's mom.

"Mom!" Scott says loudly. "Get out, now."
"Scott don't speak to me like that," she says, not knowing that bad events are going to happen.

She looks down and notices Stiles laying unconscious on the floor. "What did you do to him?!"
"We didn't do anything," Derek says. "He's changing."
"Changing?" She asks, confused.
"We figured out that once Stiles collapses, he awakens as the demon," Scott informs her.
"Oh, really? But what causes him to collapse?" She asks.
"We uh, we haven't figured that out yet," Scott replies.
"You haven't found the trigger?" She asks, as she steps closer to Stiles, analysing him more.
"Not yet," Derek answers.
"Maybe it's anger," you suggest.
"Anger? Why?" Scott asks, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Well, whenever he's gotten angry, he collapses. When he collapses, he wakes up as the demon," you inform them. "And it's a coincidence that your trigger as a werewolf is anger too."
"That makes sense," Derek agrees with you.
"Yeah, yeah it does," Scott also agrees.

Suddenly, Stiles shoots up from the floor, grasping Scott's mom and holding his arm around her throat.

"Stiles!" Scott shouts.
"I think it's best if we all had a little chat," Stiles suggests.
"You don't need to hold my mother as bait to get us to talk," Scott tells him firmly. "Ask whatever you want, and we'll answer truthfully."
"Like an interrogation," Derek says.

Stiles pauses for a second, thinking, and then smirks as he pushes Melissa onto his bed. Scott's mom gulps down a few big inhales and soothes her throat - you scoot over to her on the bed and comfort her - whilst Stiles slowly makes his way over to the crime scene board.

"What is this?" He asks you all.
"A crime scene board," Derek answers bluntly.

Stiles turns his head painfully slow to look back at Derek and gives him an intimidating glare.

"Don't play smart ass with me," he tells Derek unwaveringly.
"Stiles likes to figure out crime scenes that have happened," Scott jumps in to save Derek from being hurt.
"Why these crime scenes?" He asks, turning back to the board. "They're not recent."
"I'm not sure," Scott replies. "But I do know that he puts them together and finds out whether or not it's the same person."
"Is it, the same person killing?" Stiles asks.
"Yes," Scott answers. "One is an incident, two is a coincidence and three is a pattern."

Stiles stops for a good few seconds and turns back to face you all.

"This is a pattern," he says.
"What is?" Scott asks.

Stiles looks to Scott and you all notice the pain in his eyes.

"Hey, demon fox spirit thing," Derek gets his attention. "Why do you want to know all of this anyway?"
"It was a while ago," Stiles answers. "My..."
"Your, your what?" Derek asks as Stiles has stopped speaking.

Stiles' eyes blink hard a few times and he lets out a big exhale, his legs giving in for a few seconds making him trip but catches himself.

"Stiles?" Scott asks, wondering whether or not it's really him.

Stiles looks up and nods. "It's me."
"Stiles?" You ask astonished. "How did you -"
"I don't know," Stiles replies before you ask. "I pushed through it."

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