Chapter 5 - Trying to figure things out:

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"Derek," Scott says on the phone. "We have a problem."

Whilst Scott gives Derek an interpretation, you let Stiles speak with his father and you and Scott's mom stand outside the bedroom.

"Are you alright?" She asks, concerned.

You nod in response and play with your hands nervously. Melissa covers your hands, stopping them from fidgeting and smiles sweetly at you.

"I think you need to go home and rest," she suggests.
"No," you say straight away. "I'm not leaving Stiles."
"It'd be best if you rest," she says again. "Stiles is going to be okay."

You shake your head as in to say 'no,' standing your ground. Scott's mom sighs and looks over to Scott who is now approaching you both after being on the phone with Derek.

"He's on his way," he informs you both.
"Why exactly is Derek needed to get involved?" You ask as you particularly don't like him.
"He's strong and fast," Scott replies. "We need the extra hands."

Just then, Stiles' bedroom door opens and out walks Stiles' dad.

"Hey," Scott's mom steps forward and rubs his upper arm, comforting him.

Sheriff Stilinski looks down to the floor in despair, and Scott's mom starts to walk, guiding him downstairs and away from Stiles.

"He's going to be alright," you hear her tell him before they both walk down the steps.

You respire and Scott pushes the bedroom door open just that little bit further.

"Stiles," Scott says before entering his room.

You pop your head around the doorframe, to see Stiles still sitting on the floor from when he died for a few minutes.
Scott makes his way over to him, and gestures his hand for you to follow. As you get by Stiles, you both kneel and sit next to him on each side.

"Guys," Stiles says.

You and Scott look at him for an answer.

"I'm s-sorry," he stutters, hesitating to apologise.
"It's alright," Scott says. "It's not your fault."
"None of this is your fault," you reassure him.

Stiles leans his head against the wall in distress, much like he did earlier on.

"Listen," you say and place your hand on top of his knee to ease him. "You're going to get through this."
"How?" He asks weakly, his voice breaking as he begins to cry.
"Aw Stiles," you say and pull him onto you, wrapping your arms around him and placing your cheek to rest on his head.
"I don't know how," Scott says, answering Stiles' question. "But we will. We will figure it out like I said earlier, and we will fight until there is nothing left like (Y/N) said."

Stiles gradually stops crying and wipes away his tears whilst still leaning against you; your arms continuing to comfort him in a hug.
Scott places his hand on Stiles' leg and taps him softly, also comforting him.

"Thanks for being positive," Stiles thanks you both.
"That's the best way to go about the situation," Scott says and smiles in appreciation to Stiles' gratitude.

You rub Stiles' upper arm gently in response to his thanking, and hug him tighter.

At that moment, the bedroom door opens and Derek walks in.

"Derek!" Scott says, his spirit lighting up.

Derek makes his way over to the three of you, and kneels down in front of Stiles. Stiles sits up properly from your hug, and Derek places his hand on Stiles' forehead, pushing his head back against the wall.

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