My nerves are sky high right now; my hands start trembling, but I can't let Daniel know my weakness, or he'll use it against me. This is something serious, Daniel trusted me with this and I can't let him down.I am a strong woman, I can do this.

"Today we must take out the president of the children's association.He's been giving my drugs to children and teenagers and hasn't returned my money, but the problem's that he is an important public figure, loved by everyone.If we kill him, we will arouse many investigations which will lead back to us. Therefore, Scarlett you will need to find a way to get close to him and put this truth serum in his drink before his speech, so you must be quick. This will take place in a very fancy hotel filled with many famous and political people, so we must be careful.Do I make myself clear?"

I gulp. Can I do this? I spent my whole life living on the sidewalks, never doing anything wrong; now I am getting the President of the child association to admit his crimes and get arrested! I can't mess this up, everything depends on me.

"Uhm, well how am I supposed to get close to him?" I ask.

"That's up to you and your oh so lovely charm. However, I must warn you, he doesn't let any girl get close to him. Good luck."

"How reassuring." I say nervously.

We reach the 5 star hotel, and it is packed! Filled with so many celebrities,politicians, who knows, maybe there are other gang leaders in disguise. I feel like backing out, just running away now, going home, forgetting everything that ever happened. Is that really what I want? Go back to my old depressing life, after getting the thrill of my new one.

Hang on Scar, where did that idea come from? Did you forget Jasmine?

I shushed my inner voice as we made our way inside the hotel and into the lobby,then into the restaurant where the whole thing was taking place.

"What is this for anyway?" I ask

"The opening of a new orphanage." Daniel says with a shrug.

"All this.. for an orphanage.?!" I asked incredulously.

"Everyone wants to build their reputation." Zach says.

We take our seats on one of the tables, while everyone else is socializing, dancing, or at the bar.

"Who's the guy?"

"The one at the bar, surrounded by ladies."

I must admit he was quite handsome, not as much as Daniel or Kyle, but somewhere around. He has blonde hair and soft brown eyes with a strong build.

"Ok I'm going to get a head start, wish me luck." I say as I stand up. I feel something grab my hand, I look down to find Daniel looking at me with worried eyes.

" Take care." He says, before standing up and joining the crowd.

With a deep breath, I start my way to the bar. I sit right next to him and his "group" making sure to catch their attention.

" Bartender, I'd like a shot of tequila please." I say.

"Who are you?" I hear a snobby voice say, and surprise surprise it's one of his bimbos.

"Hello! It's so nice to meet you, my name is none of your business, and you are..?" I reply plastering on a fake smile.

"Ugh, whatever." She says with a hair flip. Suddenly the man in question clicks his fingers and all of the girls disperse.

"I am sorry about that, she tends to get jealous." He says.

"Why? No one can top her bleach blonde hair, fake eyelashes, and breast implants." I answer with an eye roll.

He chuckles and says:" Well aren't you different."

The bartender hands me my tequila and I drink it with one gulp.

"Would you like me to get you another one?" He says with a smile. That's when I got my greatest idea yet.

"Why is it that men always offer to buy a drink for women, why can't I buy you a drink?" I ask with eyes daring him to disagree.

"Go ahead, I 'd be honored." He says, while I internally smirk.

After the bartender sets down his drink, I start thinking of way to subtly add a drop of the truth serum into his drink. I need to get him distracted, think Scar think. He is a man and men are most distracted when..?

Cue the light-bulb! I got it!

"So, mystery woman, what's your real name." He asks.

"I don't kiss and tell." I say with a shrug.

"Aha but you didn't kiss." He says with a smirk.

I start leaning closer, so he can no longer see behind him. I add the drops and whisper in his ear: "I meant I don't kiss nor tell."

"Touche." He says with a smile.

"Everyone give a round of applause to Richard, president of The Children's Association." The presenter announces.

"That's my cue." He says.

"You might want to take that drink for that extra motivation." I say and he obeys.

I go back to my seat next to Daniel.

"The truth serum should kick in right about... now." I say.

" Good job, you made us proud." Zach says while Daniel just smirks. 

Not the reaction I was hoping for, but it's better than that expressionless mask he always has on.

One Fateful Night(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now