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Guys this is the second update today. So, if you haven't read the first, go back and read it. If you enjoy my story, please, please vote and comment. I love reading all of your comments. Thanks, love you guys 😉
Harry's POV
"Shit!" I hear Mus whisper. She's been extremely sick for the past few days and I'm starting to get worried. Either she's throwing up or she has fever. Nowadays, she's acting different, as well. Whenever I say anything she's against, I have to bear with her wrath. Whenever I get mad at her, and shout; she gets so upset, and her tears fall so easily from her eyes. Honestly, I don't mind all of her mood swings. I'm just worried  about her health, and well being. I turn around and check the clock for the time. It's only six thirty in the morning. Hastily, I shove the blankets off myself, and run towards the bathroom. Mus is leaning against the bathroom wall, her head in her hands. She's gotten so thin in the past few days. It's amazing how she can look so fragile.
"Come back to bed." I say, walking over to her, and bending down. She lifts her head up, and I can see tears falling from her eyes.
"I'm so sick of this, Harry! I'm throwing up constantly. And then to top it all off, I'm acting like such a bitch. Whenever you're mad, I cry and whenever I'm mad, I overreact. I'm sick of this!" She says, aggressively.
"Shh...it's fine. You're not well, it's understandable. It'll all be fine in a few days. Please, just listen to me and come with me to the hospital." I plead with her, pulling her against my chest. Mus rests her head against my chest, and closes her eyes; her breathing calming down.
"No, I don't want to go." She murmurs, sniffling. Looks like she's catching a cold, as well.
"Fine, let's discuss this later." I say, placing my hand underneath her thighs, and her back. I pick her up, not noticing her weight at all. She could weigh the same as a feather now. I walk into our room, and carefully place her on the bed. I start to adjust her, and she feels limp. Mus is not responding at all.
"Mus!" I say, frantically. I shake her shoulder a little. Maybe, she's fallen asleep. But, how can she fall asleep so soon?
"Harry." She murmurs, her head falling to the side, limply. Shit, she's losing consciousness. I pick her up, and jog towards the door. I knew I should've taken her to the hospital sooner. She's just been so moody and aggressive. I wouldn't have been able to take her, without her consent.
"Liam!" I yell, kicking his door, to wake him up.
"What?" He says, coming to the door, after five minutes.
"I need you to drive us to the hospital." I don't even wait for him to say anything, I'm already halfway down the stairs. I hear many footsteps behind me; I must've woken the boys up with all the noise. Liam opens the front door for me, and Louis helps me to get Mus in the car. Once they've all piled in, we speed down the road and drive towards the hospital.

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