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Harry pulled me after him, as he walked down the street. I kept shouting and squirming in his arms and then all of a sudden he stopped.
"You know I wanted to do this the easy way, but I guess you had something else in mind." Harry said to me, then he looked up and signaled with his hand for somebody to come. A cloth was then placed on my mouth, I knew exactly what it contained. I didn't breathe for a while and then when I couldn't take it anymore I inhaled some air.
"Night, love," is all I heard as everything around me darkened.
As I opened my eyes, I was too scared to see where I was. For all I knew, Harry could've raped me by now! But when I opened my eyes fully, I realized that I was on a bed, in a dark room. My eyes swept across the whole room, and then they fell upon a shadow, standing in one corner.
"Good evening, love," Harry's deep voice said. He then started to walk towards me and as he reached the bed, he bent over and switched on a lamp.
"H-Harry, where's Jake?" I asked him remembering Jake's condition when I last saw him.
"Forget about that, for a minute. Now let's talk about you running away. You know there's one thing you should know about me and that is that I get angry very soon. Now you running away yesterday, really put me off. You're going to get punished for it, but you see somebody else also had to pay the price." Harry said, leaning closer, until his hot breath was in my face.
"What'd you do to Jake?" I yelled at him, as I got ready to get off the bed. My feet had just touched the ground, when Harry pulled my hair back, and I screamed in pain.
"Don't speak to me like that!" He spat, pulling tighter and tighter. "You want to see Jake right, well let's go!" He was still holding me by my hair, as he pulled me alongside him. As we left the room, I said,
"Harry please, you're hurting me."
"This is nothing compared to the pain, that I can give you babe." Harry said, pulling me down a long flight of stairs. I was half stumbling, as he kept pulling me. We reached a level and Harry threw me on the ground.
"Mus!" I heard Jake's voice sigh. I looked up to find him, covered in blood, looking worse than he had before. I quickly ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug. Hands started to pull at my shirt, but I refused to let go. Then somebody jerked me roughly, and I couldn't keep my grip on my brother's shirt.
"You really need to learn to obey orders." Harry said, as I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek.
"Harry, leave her!" My brother yelled, struggling in his restraints.
"Shut up!" Somebody else said, and then I heard my brother yell in pain.
"P-please Harry leave him," I said between sobs, as I saw two people beating Jake up.
"Oh, but he's been a bad boy, he told you to run," Harry said, and I could hear the anger in his voice.
"There must be something that I can do!" I yelled, closing my eyes, because I just couldn't see Jake in so much pain.
"Well you could agree to live with me, for as long as I like to keep you," Harry said. I knew that if I gave in, Harry would abuse me to the fullest and he could probably kill me as well. But it was better if I died than my brother.
"Fine, I will. But please leave Jake." I said, regretting my decision already.
"Wow, you really love your brother don't your." Harry asked me, and I simply nodded.
"But, do you even know for who you have given your life up?" Harry asked me.
"My brother," is all I could say.
"He tells you that I am a gangster, we'll have you ever asked him what he does? Or how he became so rich?" Harry asked me, jerking me with every word, that he spoke.
"He's an engineer." I said, confused as to what Harry was saying. Harry and the others started laughing, hysterically.
"An engineer, yeah sure!" The blonde boy said, laughing.
"Harry, please don't, she doesn't have to be involved in all this shit," Jake said, struggling.
"Why are you guys laughing?" I asked them, confused.
"Your brother is a gangster, like us," Harry said, standing in front of me. "He is one of the most well known gangsters. Really Mus, engineering doesn't make a person filthy rich!" Harry said, still laughing.
"I don't believe you," I said. I know Jake could not be a gangster, he hates violence. When he was younger, his dream was to become a police officer, so he could wipe crime from this world.
"You should, love. Your brother's gang is the second most dangerous one, after mine. I've even done a drug deal with him once." Harry said, moving to my side again, so that I could see my brother.
"Is it true?" I asked Jake, refusing to believe Harry.
"Don't believe him, Mus. He's not speaking the truth," my brother said.
"It doesn't seem like it," I whispered. I know it sounds crazy, but I think I believe Harry.
"You're really going to believe him over your own brother!" Jake said.
"I-I don't know," I murmured.
"Jake, come clean and tell her the truth. You can't hide it anymore." The black haired boy said, moving closer to my brother.
"You know Harry hates liars," a brown haired boy said. Then somebody punched my brother and he yelped in pain. This time I didn't shout to tell them to stop.
"Tell the truth, Jake!" Another boy spat, punching Jake in the stomach.
"Please stop!" Jake groaned, doubling over in pain.
"Then speak the truth," Harry said, half growling.
"Fine! Fine! I am a gangster!" Jake yelled. Tears started to stream down my face. All along, I had believed a lie. My brother wasn't a nice, hardworking engineer, he was a gangster, a cold, ruthless murderer.
"Mus, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you this before," Jake said, when he saw tears on my face. I don't know why, but I jerked my hand from Harry's and went to my brother and slapped him. After that I couldn't control myself, I kept beating him up, sometimes punching him and sometimes slapping him. After I think five minutes, somebody's warm hands pulled me away from my brother and carried me upstairs. I struggled in his grip, but he didn't let go.
"Shhh...I'm here," he whispered in my ear, as I felt a slight pinch on my arm.

Stockholm Syndrome ( A Harry Styles Fan fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin