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"Why hasn't she woken up, yet?"
"Don't you dare tell me to calm down!"
"She fell down. Of course, she isn't okay!" Who the hell is shouting so much? My head is killing me, and this person is shouting away. Can someone please tell him to shut up! I'm trying to open my eyes, to see who it is. But, I can't. They're not opening, they're shut tight.
"You need to calm down, sir. She can't handle all this shouting. It isn't good for her health." A feminine voice says. Thank God, someone else noticed the ruckus he's making.
"Give her some more." Somebody says and then the sounds fade away, slowly.
Harry's POV
Why isn't she waking up? The doctors said she should be awake by today.
"Harry, here have some coffee." Louis says, putting a coffee cup, in front of my face.
"Lou, for the hundredth time; I'm not thirsty. So stop shoving this coffee cup in my face." I say, pushing it away, with my hand.
"Harry you haven't had anything, since day before. Please, just have this coffee." He says, bringing it closer to my face. Doesn't he get the message, I don't want it.
"I can't have anything! Mus is lying there, unconscious because of me. Till she wakes up, I can't have anything!" I yell, throwing the cup, on the floor.
"So if she doesn't wake up, you'll die?" Zayn asks me, from across the room. I glare at him, wanting to strangle him. I close my eyes, and count to ten.
"Don't ever say that again." I say, through gritted teeth. How could he even think like that. Mus, did fall pretty bad, though. Thank god, there was some sort of a cloth on top of a few crates. That saved her life, the doctor had said. If the crates weren't lying there, with drugs in them; she would've died. The softness saved her. I still don't understand why she would do that. She goes around saying she doesn't love me and then sacrifices herself for me. I don't understand her. I didn't even know, she could shoot. But the truth is, she saved my life. If she hadn't shot Vince, he would've killed me. That girl is something!
"Harry, she's moving!" Niall yells, getting off the couch. I look over to Mus and he's right, she's stirring and groaning. In a flash, I'm beside her; holding her hand. The doctor enters too, holding some file.
"Great, she's responding." He says, checking her drip.
"Is she going to wake up?" Niall asks him, hope laced with his words.
"I think so. I can't be definite, because her recovery was slow a few days ago. But, hopefully she'll respond."
"Harry," she mumbles.
"Yeah love, I'm right here." I say, sweeping her hair, from her forehead.
"It hurts." She groans, rolling over. I have to catch her, before she falls. Even half conscious, she moves around a lot.
"I know, I'm sorry." I say, squeezing her hand. Slowly, her eyes flutter open and she looks around, dazed. Her eyes take in everything, before landing on me.
"H-Harry, what?" She asks me, confused.
"You're too weak to speak too much. I suggest you rest for a bit and then speak." The doctors says, checking her pulse. She simply nods, staring at me. Suddenly, a wave of recognition passes over her face. I think she just recalled all that has happened. The doctor leaves the room, saying he'll check up soon.
"Harry, what happened?" She asks me, pulling her eyebrows together.
"The doctor said you need to rest." I say, pulling a stool; so I can sit.
"No! I want answers. Now!" She says, aggressively.
"Chill! You haven't even recovered, yet." Zayn says, laughing. I smile too. Mus is feisty, even when she's sick.
"I want answers." She whines, looking at everybody. As if all of them will answer her questions.
"Fine, I'll tell you. You do remember shooting, right?" I ask her, and she nods. "Well, after that you fell through a bunch of crates. Lucky for you, they contained drugs. Because of their texture and amount, you were saved. Plus, there was a cloth on top, which broke your fall on the wood. I immediately brought you here, where they fixed you up."
"How long have I been here?" She asks me, seeing the needles in her arms.
"A week."
"A week! Why did it take so long?"
"Apparently, your response to the medicines was slow."
"And Harry started losing patience, day before yesterday. He hasn't had anything since then." Louis says, sitting on the other side, of her bed.
"Why aren't you eating anything?" She asks me, worry lines appearing on her forehead.
"I couldn't. Seeing you lying on this bed, is torturous. And you know what's worse. The fact that all this happened because of me." I say, regretting my decision, to buy that girl a drink.
"No, it isn't! I made the choice to go off with Parker, not you."
"Well, I walked off with that girl. Just to make you jealous. It was a stupid decision to make." I say frustrated, because she thinks it's her fault.
"Whatever." She mutters, before looking at Louis. "So did you guys miss me?" She asks him, grinning. They all nod and Louis bends for a hug.
"You scared us." He says, as they break contact.
"Hey, I'm a tough nut to crack. Plus, Harry's not letting me go anywhere, for a while." She says, looking over at me.
"Never," I mutter. She smiles and then winces. God, she's in so much pain, and I can't do anything.
"When will they discharge me?" She asks me, slowly turning her head, in my direction.
"I don't know. As soon as you recover, I think. Because, I'm not taking any chances." I say, sternly. I'll make sure Mus is absolutely fine, before taking her home.
A/N: Hope you guys are liking the book so far? This chapter is dedicated to delilahprincess She's an amazing author, and person. You guys should read her books.

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