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Harry pulled me through the crowd of dancing people. Honestly, I didn't want to be here, but Harry gave me no choice.
"What do you want?" Liam asked me, once the others had told him what they wanted.
"Corona, please." I said. I didn't want to drink too much, because drinking leads to making mistakes. And I can't afford making mistakes now.
"Let's sit here!" Louis yelled, as he spotted a booth. Harry sat down first and then he signaled for me to sit next to him. Since I had no choice, I sat down next to him. But, I left a little space between us. Apparently, Harry didn't get the message; so he scooted closer to me. Shortly after, Liam came with our drinks. As I started to drink mine, Harry's hand came in contact with my thigh.
"Take it away." I said, irritated by his stupid behavior. Harry decided to ignore me and didn't take his hand away.
"Care to buy me a drink?" A voice asked. I looked up to see a girl standing, in a short dress. She was looking directly at Harry, bending for no reason; to show him her cleavage. I looked towards Harry to see him smirking at her; jerk!
"Of course!" Louis said, getting up.
"Oh no, not you. I was talking to you." She said, pushing Louis down and pointing towards Harry.
"Of course." Harry said and just like that, his hand left my thigh and he got up. I looked towards the others and they were all giving me apologetic looks. Well, two can play that game.
"I'll just get another drink." I say, getting up.
"You won't-" Louis starts, but I interrupt him.
"Don't worry, I won't run." Saying that, I start to walk towards the bar. Harry and the girl, are sitting on the bar stools, chatting away. His hand is now on her thigh. I take a seat and order myself a drink.
"Why're you alone, love?" Somebody asks me. I turn my stool around, to see a handsome man standing behind me, smiling.
"I don't know, nobody wants me, I guess."
"Ma'am your drink." The bartender says, I turn around and gulp down my drink.
"That's not true, I want you." The man says and I can feel his breath on my neck. "I'm Parker, by the way." He says, turning my stool around.
"Mus. Want to dance?" I ask him, eyeing the dance floor.
"Sure. Shall we?" He asks me, giving me his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up. I can feel somebody staring at me and I'm pretty sure it's Harry. As we step on the dance floor, I start grinding myself against him. Suddenly, Parker turns me around and leans in for a kiss.
"I don't- want to do this." I say, pushing him away.
"Babe, you have no choice." Suddenly, he puts something on my stomach. I look down to see it's a gun. "Shall we?" He asks me, pulling me behind him, through the crowd of dancing people.
"Why're you doing this?" I ask him, following him.
"Your boyfriend owes a lot to our boss. You're his priceless belonging, once we have you; he has to pay up. Plus, I want to have some fun." He says, eyeing me up and down. Shit, what have I gotten myself into. Parker leads me to one corner and then pushes me up against the wall. He pins my hands above my head and tries kissing me.
"Don't you dare!" I yell, raising my leg, to kick him in the balls. But, he catches my knee before I can. I keep moving my face from left to right, avoiding his lips.
"Oh come on, loosen up." He says, holding my chin.
"I don't think it's such a good idea, flirting with my fiancée." Harry's deep voice says.
"Fiancée, huh?" Parker says looking at me and then at Harry.
"Get off her, before I blow your brains off." Harry says, pressing a gun to Parker's head.
"I don't think that's a very good idea, Styles. I mean, after all, I'm the one holding her hostage." Parker says, taking the gun out again and pressing it to my head.
"Move back!" He yells, twisting my arm, behind my back. Harry doesn't move and Parker presses the gun further into my head.
"Move back, or I'll make a hole in her head!" Harry moves back slowly, giving Parker space to turn around. Our eyes meet for a split second and his eyes are full of desperation. He looks weak and I've never seen Harry like this.
"Get out of my way, Styles!" Parker yells, kicking Harry in the stomach.
"Harry! Leave me!" I yell, struggling in Parker's grip. I desperately want to run towards Harry and see if he's okay, but I can't.
"So much love, it's really sad to think I'll be taking you. Separating you, from your Romeo." Parker says, pulling me out of the club. I struggle in his grip, but I know it's useless, Parker's too strong for me.
"Get in!" He yells, shoving me into a car. Another pair of hands grip me and pull me in.
"This will help to keep you quiet." Another voice says and then he puts tape on my mouth. He then ties my hands and shoves my head towards the window. I stare out of the window, my vision getting blurry. Harry exits the club, clutching his stomach. He fires a few times at the car, but I know he's in too much pain, to shoot straight. His eyes lock with mine and they're filled with desperation, yet again.
"Look Romeo's desperately trying to reach his Juliet, aw." Parker says, with fake pity laced in his words. I can't control my tears anymore and they flow out. I can't believe it, I'm being abducted, yet again. It's written in my destiny to be abducted, for the rest of my life.
"Baby girl, we'll have to put this on your eyes." The same voice says and then I'm blinded. For some reason, I start thinking about Harry. How he looked at me, as I was being kidnapped. I can't believe it, but I'm actually missing Harry. For some reason, I'm feeling scared, right now. I never felt this way, around Harry. Sure, he'd hurt me, but never did I feel this fearful. I'm actually missing Harry.

Stockholm Syndrome ( A Harry Styles Fan fiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz