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"Get up!" Somebody yelled, and then I felt a sharp pain in my thigh.
"What- what's wrong?" I say, groggily. I can't see who it is, for my eyes are still covered. I can't even move my hands.
"Will, open her bonds. A pretty girl like her, shouldn't be tied up." Somebody said, and then the cloth was lifted off my eyes. Bright light, hit my eyes and I blinked them a few times; until they adjusted to the light. A man was crouched next to me and he was opening my hands. Four men were standing in front of me, all of them were wearing suits.
"Good evening, darling." One of them said, bending down, so he was at the same level, as me.
"Why'd you kidnap?" Is the first question I think of. Honestly, who would want me and why?
"Curious, huh? Well, we kidnapped you because your fiancé hasn't given us our full order. He has no other weakness, except one; you. So we decided to use it, by kidnapping you. He'll come around for sure." The same guy says, as I rub my wrists.
"Harry doesn't love me! He won't come." I say, getting up.
"Oh, he will. If he didn't love you, he wouldn't have proposed." Another voice says. This voice belongs to a boy, probably Harry's age. "Harry's a playboy, he never talked about settling down. But, then you came around and bam! He's engaged and committed. You really must've done something."
"May I know who you are? Since you seem to know a great deal about Harry." I say, pointing towards the boy.
"Vince. Harry and I grew up together. But then he made his own gang and I followed my father." He says, stepping forward; his right hand outstretched. I look at his hand and turn towards the other man. He takes his hand back, a smirk on his face.
"Harry won't come, he doesn't lo-" I begin to say. But I'm interrupted by gun shots.
"Shit! Dad he's here!" Vince yells, taking out a gun, from his belt.
"Take care of his bitch! I'll go and meet up with him." The other man says, leaving the room. Vince yanks my hand behind my back and dips his head into the crook of my neck.
"It's amazing, how Harry get's all the hot ones." Vince says, as I kick him in the balls.
"Don't you dare touch me!" I say, moving away from him.
"Feisty, huh?" He says, crouched over.
"Vince, get the bitch down here!" Somebody yells, from outside.
"Coming dad!" He yells back, standing straight. Vince, grabs my arm and yanks me towards the door. He opens it and pulls me behind him. He drags me till a staircase and then stops. Downstairs, a lot of people are assembled. Among them stand Harry, Niall, Louis, Liam and Zayn. All of them have their guns pointed at somebody.
"See Harry, we do have her." The man yells, as Harry's eyes lock with mine. His eyes are filled with fear and desperation. But, the minute he looks away, they're full of anger.
"Let her go! This isn't about her, she has nothing to do with all of our shit!" He yells, pointing towards me.
"Yes, she does. She's your only weakness and I'm going to use it." A man yells, from the other side.
"She's not a thing, she's a human being." Harry replies, clenching his fists.
"She's a toy for you! I'm pretty sure once you use her up, you'll dump her, like all the others." Vince says, shoving the gun further into my side.
"She's my fiancée, have some respect." Harry answers, softly. I know he's trying to control his temper, his veins are popping out of his forehead.
"I guess threats aren't enough for you, we'll have to do something, huh?" Vince says, looking towards his father. I'm presuming he's his father, because he called him that, earlier. The same man nods his head and Vince pushes me, hard. I go tumbling down the metal stairs, banging my head several times. I know I've broken a lot of bones, because I can feel pain throughout my body. I land flat on my back, so I'm presuming this is the end of the stairs.
"Harry." I say, groaning. I roll over onto my side, to get a better view of Harry. He's standing there, with a man in front of him. He yells something, but I'm in too much pain to figure it out. I attempt to get up, but my whole body is paining. I hear a lot of gun shots and people shouting. But, I'm too busy trying to move, that I don't know who's winning or losing. I manage to drag myself to one corner and sit down.
I try to focus on what's going on. I can see that Harry is trying to get closer to me. But, the amount of bullets and people wrestling him; are preventing him from doing so. Liam, Niall, Zayn and Louis, are fighting their own battles. Suddenly, a gun comes skidding towards me. I pick it up and check how many bullets it contains; one! Somebody harshly pulls me by my hair and drags me upstairs. I'm in too much pain to notice who it is. But, I know we've reached the top floor again and then I'm suddenly thrown over the railing! A hand prevents me from falling.
"Guys, you might want to see this!" The guy who is holding me yells and I think it's Vince. I turn my head to look down and everybody's eyes are on me. But, I can't seem to find a pair of green eyes; Harry's not downstairs. Suddenly, Vince leaves my hand and falls back. In a flash, his hand is replaced by a warm one. I look up to see a mop of brown curls and I know who it is.
"Harry." I whisper, squeezing his hand tighter.
"I'm here, I've got you. Give me your other hand." Harry says, extending his left hand. When I try to lift my other hand, I realize I'm still holding the gun. Vince must not have noticed it. A dark figure creeps up behind Harry, holding a gun. Harry doesn't know, because he's too engrossed in saving me; to notice anything else. The gun feels heavier in my hand and I do what my heart tells me to. I leave Harry's hand and hold the gun with both hands, as I fall; and shoot! The bullet doesn't touch Harry's head. But, enter's Vince's. That's the last thing I see, before all goes dark.
A/N: This update is for Cliffer123 because she asked for an update. So, whoever was out there waiting for me to update, should thank her. And don't forget to vote, and comment. Please, it means a lot and gives me motivation to write more.

Stockholm Syndrome ( A Harry Styles Fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang