You'll always be mine

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"H-Harry Styles," I stutter.
"Yeah, he's new in town. But boy, is he flexible." Luke said, grinning.
"Are you gay?" Zara asks him dead serious, and even though I'm worried sick right now, I can't help but laugh.
"Zara, shut up!" Luke yells, punching her arm, lightly. The both of them start a conversation on something, but my mind is somewhere else. How can Harry return so quickly. Shouldn't he be in jail? And how the hell does that guy use his real name, his full name. All these questions were scattered in my brain, when someone snapped their fingers in front of my face.
"Hey Mus, want to come back to Earth today?" Luke asks me.
"Yeah sorry, what?"
"Luke and I were just discussing why don't we go to a bar and party. I mean, we haven't partied for a while." Zara says, picking up her stuff.
"Yeah, sure. Let's go to the club around the corner," I say. Honestly, I think once I've had a drink or two, I'll loosen up a bit and forget about Harry.
"Don't you girls want to change into something decent for the club?" Luke asks us, checking out our outfits.
"Shut up, we're not wearing mini, black dresses." Zara says, exiting the yoga centre, with me right behind her.
"Okay fine, but if no one wants to dance with you, don't blame me." Luke says, smirking.
"We're going to grab drinks, not to find dates!" I yell, because Luke is way behind us. The rest of the way, we walk silently, none of us speaking. My mind is still thinking about Harry. I can't deny the fact, that when I heard his name I was a little happy. But, no! He can't re-enter my life all of a sudden. He ruined it at first, and now that I'm figuring it out, he can't come back!
"We're here!" Zara sang, pushing the doors open. Loud music was playing inside, and a lot of people were already drunk. Thankfully, it wasn't that crowded.
"You girls find a booth, and I'll get the drinks!" Luke said, walking off towards the bar. Once we settled down, Luke came with our drinks.
"Hey Mus, there's a guy staring at you!" He yelled, over the loud music.
"Who?" I said, looking around.
"Your 3 'o' clock," Luke said, nodding his head in that direction. When I turned my head, I realized that he was right. Some man was staring at me, and he was sitting with two other fellows. But, it was very dark towards their booth and I couldn't see their faces. I knew that the man knew, I was staring at him. But, still he continued to stare at me. Great, rude much!
"Mus, don't worry, just enjoy yourself," Zara said. I could already tell that she was getting tipsy, because her words had already started to mix together.
"Zara, don't drink too much, you've work tomorrow!" I yelled.
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Saturday, silly, no work," she sang.
"Oh yeah, right," I said. I had totally lost track of the days. No wonder we'd come to drink today.
"So Luke, tomorrow at eleven, right?" I asked him.
"Yeah, class starts early tomorrow. Oh and instead of Zara you'll have the new instructor and me!" He beamed. Luke always loved to instruct next to me, because he got to touch my stomach and legs, to show the students the poses. Though it was quite unnecessary, I let him. Because, he always remained in his limits and they were playful gestures.
"Jerk!" I yelled, getting up. "Bye guys!"
"Bye, take care!" Zara yelled, and Luke simply waved. Phew, there goes another day. As I reached my house, I realized that my door handle was slightly twisted. It wasn't straight anymore, but a little diagonal. A crime or break in, has never been reported in this neighborhood, it's the safest neighborhood. Thinking that I entered my home, and looked around. Everything seemed to be in order, the lounge, the kitchen, even my bedroom seemed to be in order. Maybe, my lock got old and turned a little, I thought to myself. But, then my eyes fell upon a frame. In that frame, I had put a picture of Luke and I, while he was holding me in his arms. However, right now, there was nothing in that frame, funny. Why would somebody break into my house, and take a picture. Whoever, it must've been, must be psychotic.
"You're early?" Bailey asks me, as I sign in my name on the register.
"Yeah, Luke told me I had to take an early class."
"Oh, right! You've got to show the new instructor the drill."
"Yeah, I hope he's good though," I say.
"Of course, have you seen him. When word gets out about this new hottie, our yoga centre will be full of girls." She says, giggling.
"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure you'll have a big hand in it all!" I yell, as I make my way towards the staff lockers. I hear Bailey giggling. Gosh, what's so great about him, that everybody wants to be with him.
"Punctual, as always." Luke says, as I enter the locker area.
"So when's the new instructor going to be here?" I ask him, shoving my bag into the locker.
"Probably five, ten minutes. You see unlike you, other people have lives." Luke says, laughing. I playfully shove him, and in return Luke picks me up.
"I'll drop you if you don't stop kicking!" He yells, tickling me as well.
"Luke, stop! Please, you know how ticklish I am!" I yell. Sadly, I had no choice but to squirm in his grip and laugh, while he tickled me continuously. As Luke was ticking me and I was squirming in his grip, the door flew open. There stood the person, I dreaded the most; Harry Styles! He looked different, more mature. His hair had grown longer, and I think he had also grown. Probably, an inch or two.
"Oh, hey!" Luke said, still holding me in his arms. I'm not sure if Luke noticed, but Harry was continuously clenching and unclenching his fists.
"Hi!" He said, entering.
"Luke, put me down," I said.
"I see we don't really have a serious attitude around here." Harry said, slamming his bag on the bench.
"Harry, we try to have fun here while learning. No body likes a grumpy and serious person. Okay, so I've got to leave, but Mus will tell you everything." Luke says, putting me down and giving me a thumbs up. When Luke left, I didn't know what to say to Harry, so I started to take off my shoes.
"He your boyfriend?" A voice asks me, dangerously close. I turn my head to see Harry sitting right behind me, his eyes dark.
"No, Luke! Of course not! We're just friends," I say, getting up.
"Well, your actions are saying something else, altogether."
"Harry, it's none of your business, even if he is. I'm not your's anymore, remember?"
"Pardon, what do you mean by 'I'm not your's anymore'?" He says, using air quotes.
"Well, may I remind you, you got arrested. It's been a year since then, I didn't miss you and I'm sure you didn't either. So it will just be better for all of us, if you continued escaping from the law and I continue living my normal life, as a manager."
"Love, did you really think I came to this stupid yoga centre, just to teach?" He asks me, and I cringe slightly at the word love. This just means that he isn't over me, yet.
"Harry, I'm never going to be yours. Just accept it!" I say, opening the door to leave. However, before I make it out, Harry gripped my arm and jerks me back, against the wall.
"You'll always me mine, Mus and I'm here to take you back with me, whether you like it or not!"
"Let's see you try," I say, pulling my arm from his grip. Who does he think he is? Now that I'm out in the open, I'll never let him take me again.
A/N :
So, I know that I'm not that good with interacting with you people. But, I want to try it out, since I don't know what you think about my fan-fictions. So, I'd honestly love it, if you guys would comment or vote. So I'd at least know that you guys enjoy them. Thanks

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