Chapter 2

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YN's P.O.V.
Chresanto and I are having a good time and he actually is a good real estate agent for his first time in business. 

Not to mention he put on such an amazing impression on one couple, they told me they've read Jordan's novels and wants to interview him and talk to him about taking his writing to the next level. Ughh I'm so happy!  Right now me and Chresanto are riding in my car back to the office to go file some paper work and then be on our merry way.(Chresanto in the media)

Chresanto- So how'd I do?

YN- You did excellent you should be thrilled for your first day.

Chresanto- Thanks I honestly was very nervous.

YN- Huh didn't seem like it?

Chresanto- So what are we gonna do when we get back to the office?

YN- Well first we're gonna go get something to eat. Then we're gonna go file some paper work and check with the boss and see if he has a project or anything.

Chresanto- Sounds good uhh where we gonna eat at?

YN- I'm thinking Subway if that sounds good?

Chresanto- That's good.

Jordan's P.O.V.
So I'm at home writing this book and I can honestly say it's my best work yet. I'm so proud and I can't wait for YN to read it. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

When I opened it it was my best man Nate. We've been friends since birth I can say. And he was actually the one who introduced me to YN before we got married.

Nate- Aye Jay what's up man?!

Jordan- Nothing much man you know writing this book is all.

Nate- That's cool man I just came to chill with the homie and wanted to ask you something.

Jordan- Oh for sure come in.

I let Nate in as he took a seat on my black couch.

Jordan- So what's on your mind?

Nate- I was wondering if you wanted to go out on guys night with me and the boys tonight?

Jordan- I don't know man I don't think YN would be ok with that.

Nate- Come on man ever since you've been married you don't want to hang out and have a good time. YN would want you to go out and have fun.

He did have a point. Ever since YN and I got married I never went out. The only reason is because I want to focus on my writing and YN would feel lonely.

Jordan- She'll feel lonely man I can't do that.

Nate- Jordan it's just one night come on now think about it.

Jordan- I guess one night couldn't hurt plus, I miss my boys.

Nate- That's it man we meeting at 8 at the bar so be there.

Jordan- I will.

Nate- Cool how's YN anyways?

Jordan- She's amazing as usual and she said she has some surprise for me when she gets back.

Nate's eyes widened when I said that.

Nate- Bro she could be pregnant!

Jordan- No man we only did the thing once and that was last night without the protection.

Nate- You right it doesn't work that fast.

Jordan- Man but I really want her to be. I want kids man.

Nate- I know but does she?

Jordan- She says she's not ready but I don't know.

Nate- I'm sure she's just scared or something.

Nate did have a point but it didn't make sense. YN isn't afraid of nothing, that's one of the reasons why I married her.

Chresanto's P.O.V.
So, YN and I are back from the office. Our boss explained that he wants us working on a project together so we're gonna be here all day and night but I'm sure she's cool with it. She's so beautiful, too bad she's married. Whoever he is must be lucky!

YN's P.O.V.
I'm so pissed off right now. I wanted to go home to my sexy ass husband and give him his surprise. But, no I'm stuck with this dumb ass project with Chresanto.

Chresanto- YN I think your phone is ringing.

I grab my phone and of course it's my baby calling me.

Phone Convo:
YN- Hello?

Jay- Hey love are you ok where are you?

YN- I'm fine baby what's up?

Jay- Just checking on you.

YN- Yeah they have me working on this late night project and I'm gonna be late coming home.

Jordan- Oh ok um Nate invited me to this guys night at the bar and I wanted to know if that's ok with you? I know you have a surprise for me.

YN- Yeah I might have to give it to you when I come home but as long as I'm the only bunny on your mind you can go ahead with the boys.

Jordan- lol thanks babe I love you bye.

YN- Bye.

Phone convo over...
My baby deserves a break he's always working.

Chresanto- Who was that?

This fool is so fucking nosey.

YN- My husband.

Chresanto- Oh ok.

YN- I never asked, are you seeing someone?

Chresanto- No I haven't found the right one yet.

YN- Oh ok.

Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I held my stomach and was groaning in pain.

Chresanto- Are you ok?

YN- I don't think so I feel Ahhh. I think I need to go to the hospital.

Chresanto- Come here I'll drive you.

Before I could say anything Chresanto picked me up and ran down to the parking lot and road me to the hospital. All I want is Jordan right now.

Jordan's P.O.V.
So me and the guys are having a good time and I feel great as hell.

When I looked at the time it said 11:00 pm. YN should be home but she hasn't called to check on me. Maybe she's tired or is fixing up my surprise.

Chresanto's P.O.V.
YN- Chresanto can you give me my phone?

I hand YN her phone. I am literally speeding like Mario kart trying to get this girl to the hospital. There's something about her that makes me care for her a lot. Too bad she's married. As I'm driving I'm listening to YN's conversation with her husband.

YN- Baby... No I'm not at home I'm heading to the hospital... I don't know... Babe calm down... Ahhh just meet me at the St. Ruth's hospital!

Chresanto- Are the pains worse or...

YN- They're getting worse please hurry up!(pain)

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