Finally, we got to leave the room and made our way down to lobby where everyone was waiting for us. I rushed over to Hikaru and hugged him, saying in French, "I'm the new CEO of de Graintaine!"

He spun me around, speaking in the same language, grinning, "Congrats, Katashi! I knew you could do it!" I laughed in joy, and he set me on the ground. Then, I kissed him.

Due to my grandmother's orders, we were married a month after Hikaru finished high school. It had planned a beautiful wedding that contained all of our friends. After, Hikaru went to design school with Kaoru, but eventually, he discovered he didn't enjoy it. In fact, he found that he liked computers much better. I managed to convince him to take up his passion, and he left design school, inheriting his father's software company while Kaoru took over the fashion company. And during all of this, I had taught Hikaru how to fluently speak French.

Kyoya reminded me, "Not everyone understands you, Katashi."

I turned to the rest of my friends from high school and apologized, "Sorry! The deal went through! I'm CEO of de Graintaine!"

"And I'm CEO of the Suoh company!" Tamaki interjected proudly.

"You guys, that's great!" Haruhi smiled. Tamaki put his arm around her and pecked her lips. They had been married for about five years, and Haruhi was an extremely successful lawyer. She also happened to be about seven months pregnant with my niece.

"Look at how much you've grown up," Kaoru joked. As I said before, he continued on in design school and became a world-renowned designer, even surpassing their mother. He currently had a girlfriend, and their future was looking very bright.

"You're gonna do great!" Honey assured us, and Mori nodded in agreement. Honey had grown significantly since high school, but he still was a lover of sweets and all things cute. However, Mori still remained a man of few words, but he still found a wife I knew he really loved. They took over their family's dojos and taught in their main one.

"We couldn't have done it without Kyoya," Tamaki dismissed.

I agreed, "Yeah, he was a major help."

Kyoya pushed his glasses up on his nose and replied, "Well, I couldn't let two of my friends go bankrupt because of a bad deal, could I?" Even though we found out after the Ouran Fair all those years ago that he had taken his family's company and basically gave it back to his father, he still ended up taking it over, like I always knew he would. He was also engaged to an extremely lucky lady.

I suddenly looked around with concern and wondered, "Where did Sumiko go?"

"Oh, she's right here!" Mama called as she walked over to us. She handed my daughter over to me. Sumiko, whose French name was Jacinthe, was two years old. She had my violet eyes, but her hair was amber, like her father. My smile widened as I kissed her head. "Sorry, Amarante, she got thirsty."

Keep It Together (OHSHC/Hikaru Love Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant