Chapter 26

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"It's good bonding time with Tamaki. You know, that thing I was sent here by my grandmother to do? You act like I chose this. What do you want me to do?" I fumed. I certainly hadn't wanted to start my morning arguing over the phone with Eric, and I was not feeling refreshed by the experience.

Eric exclaimed, "I want you to come here now! It's not like you can't get on a plane any time you want!"

I fought, "Tamaki and I are already in trouble with our father for wasting plane fuel yesterday! He won't let me get back on there for a good month!"

He said, "Then, just get on a regular airline!"

I scoffed, "Don't you think I would have tried that already? I'm not allowed to leave the country, Eric!" I ran a hand through my hair. When was he just going to give it up?

"Did you just take it, or did you try to explain yourself?" Eric questioned.

"I shouldn't even have to answer! Stop blaming me for something I didn't have control over!" I told him.

"You're right. It's that club you've been hanging around. This is their entire fault! They've done nothing but been bad influences on you! I don't think you should be around them any longer, Amarante. Especially those... twins," he said. I gasped, barely believing what I was hearing.

I challenged, "I thought you said you weren't going to dictate me. What happened to that? Did it get thrown out the window when you finally didn't get your way?"

He sighed, "Amarante-"

I interrupted, "I'm just so sorry I ruined all your plans!"


"You know what? I'm glad I missed that flight! I'm glad they kidnapped me because if they hadn't, I would be looking at you right now! Have fun planning the damn wedding by yourself!" I shouted into the receiver before hanging up. I turned the cellphone off completely to avoid dealing with the numerous texts and phone calls I was bound to get.

I was suddenly happy I had been smart enough to go outside for the conversation. I was back at the bed and breakfast with everyone else to meet with the twins and Haruhi. If we were going to be there, we should at least spend the vacation there together, right? I stormed into the building, still trying to shake off the anger I felt.

I sat down at the table containing Honey, Kyoya, and Mori in the dining room. Hikaru and Kaoru, who had a Band-Aid covering the cut on his cheek from yesterday, were sitting at the island behind us. Tamaki noticed me, "Whoa, what happened?"

I rubbed my eyes and muttered, "Il est un idiot." That seemed to be enough for him, and he went back to sulking about whatever had upset him.

"Not all of us carry around French-to-Japanese dictionaries, Katashi," Kyoya reminded me with a smug look.

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