Chapter 32

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By the time it came for Class 1-A to have their tournament, we were all ready. I had to admit, they did a great job decorating the school. There were jack-o-lanterns everywhere, their faces carved into creepy expressions, and there were bats, spiders, and spider webs, too. The hardest thing about it being at night was that it was pretty hard to see, but we were making it work.

Once it was Team B's turn to scare, which contained our targets, we got into our places. First, Nekozawa would cast a creepy shadow over the window where Team B was hiding out, next to the staircase. Then, they would throw a skull down the stairs, followed by Tamaki walking down dressed as the Clock Tower Witch. The Clock Tower Witch was an urban legend where a girl dressed as a witch fell from the clock tower on Halloween a while ago. Supposedly, anyone who sees her ghost on Halloween was supposed to be cursed. That would surely send them all running down one of the two hallways. On one end, Mori and Honey were waiting in separate rooms, dressed as Frankenstein and the Wolfman. In the other, I was setting up a trap to capture whoever came by in a net.

Nekozawa had instructed me on how to set up the net, but it was taking a lot longer than I had expected. The knots were difficult, and I kept breaking the tripwire. Unfortunately, I had no way of knowing when they were supposed to be coming in my direction. By the time I heard footsteps, I had just finished tying the knot for the tripwire. I peered into the darkness and saw a figure coming towards me, and I began to panic. I rushed to get up, but my foot got tangled in the net. "Ah! No!" I whispered frantically. I couldn't manage to get myself out with all the nerves flowing through me.

When the figure got close enough, I saw it was Hikaru. I warned, "Stop!" In his confusion, he ran past me, tripping the wire. I screamed as we were thrown together, ensnared in the net that hung us in the air. Of course, it hadn't worked like it was supposed to.

We both took a second to make sure we weren't hurt, and I finally got my foot out of the net. He suddenly gasped. "Where's Kaoru? Kaoru! I've got to find him! Where did he go?" Hikaru demanded, struggling to get out of the net.

"Cut it out! You were the only one who went this way, so he and the others must be in the other hall. Hey! That hurts!" I shouted, hitting his arm. He finally quit moving.

"Why are you even here? What's going on, Katashi?" he demanded.

I admitted hesitantly, "The hosts and I came here to scare you guys with Nekozawa's help. I wasn't supposed to get trapped with you, though. My foot got caught at the last second." I sighed, and leaned my back against the ropes.

He asked, like it was all preposterous, "What? Why'd you want to play a prank on us?"

I said, "We wanted to get back at you because with the three of you out, the Host Club has been a madhouse during its busiest week of the year! Plus, not only did you say I couldn't do it, but all you've done is avoid me the past two weeks!"

Hikaru denied, "I haven't been avoiding you."

I narrowed my eyes, "Hikaru, you've been doing everything in your power to keep from spending a moment alone with me."

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