Chapter 11

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I was extremely sad the next day when I received a text from Renge that she had returned to France. I knew there was nothing I could do, but I still felt a guilty about the whole thing. It was probably better for her to go back, though. Maybe Japan just wasn't for her.

Several days after the incident, I walked into the Host Club, a little late due to having to ask my teacher a question, and froze when I saw my table. There were five customers sitting there! I asked Kyoya, "Have they all been waiting for me?"

"Yes, but you haven't been keeping them long, if you were worried. You'd better get to work, though. There are a few more waiting as well," he pointed behind him to the waiting area, and there did seem to be more than usual. "You're becoming popular with the ladies. Maybe you really do take after Tamaki."

I rushed over to my table and smiled at them, "I'm terribly sorry for the wait, mes chéris! I do hope I didn't keep you too long...?"

One of the girls, who was completely new to me, said, "You didn't! Besides, we don't mind waiting a few minutes." The rest of the girls shook their heads.

"That's great to hear. As you may know, my name is Katashi Suoh, and I'm Tamaki's twin sister. What would your names be?" They each told me. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you," I picked a rose out of the vase and offered it to Mako, the girl who had spoken earlier, "and welcome to the Host Club." She blushed and took the rose. I was beginning to read the girls accurately to see if they wanted a friend or something more, and I was pretty sure when there was a girl who fell into the "more" category. I never realized how telling our body language was.

My attention was brought elsewhere, "Katashi, do you want to be an actress?"

I looked at Ayame, who had asked the question, "No, I haven't even considered it. What makes you ask that?"

"You did a really amazing job in the movie!" she praised.

"I felt so sympathetic! I don't usually get emotional over movies, but I just couldn't help it!" another gushed.

The fifth one, Ume, squealed, "And the scene with you and Hikaru was so cute! I so want you to get together! Wait, are you?"

"You all are so sweet. Thank you, but we're not together. Do you mind me asking where you got this movie? I didn't think it was for sale," I tried to keep my cool. How could they have the movie Renge directed? I thought Kyoya destroyed it! There was no way for them to have it!

"Oh, Kyoya's selling them! They just came out yesterday," Mako explained, wanting to be heard by me, too. No wonder I suddenly had more customers! Kyoya! I yelled in my head. You're going to pay for this!

I looked over at the twins, and by the looks on their faces, we were both having the same issue. Hikaru's and I's eyes met for a brief second, and Ume grinned, "Did you see how they looked at each other? That's adorable!" Mortifying looks were adorable?

I apologized, "I'm terribly sorry, mes chéris, but I must go speak with the Host Club Director for a brief minute." I placed a hand on one of their hands. "You'll forgive me, won't you? I don't think I could stand seeing any of you upset."

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