Chapter 16

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"How did we let them talk us into this?" Haruhi whispered to Honey and I as we snuck through the elementary school building.

I looked down at my disguise, "Well, I'm trying to convince myself that we were more intéressés in taking one for the team, but I think we're just idiots."

"It'll be okay, Haru-chan and Kata-chan. It was so easy to sneak in, and wearing this uniform, I really look like I'm in elementary school," Honey assured us as we leaned to look into the next hall to make sure we weren't going to get caught. He was wearing the boys' uniform that consisted of green shorts, a white button-down, a green jacket, and black shoes.

I said, "You do, but that isn't really the problem."

She agreed, "We are sneaking into an elementary school, and you totally fit in, Honey. But what I don't understand is why they made us dress up in these middle school uniforms." It was true. Haruhi and I were made to wear the brown miniskirt, white stockings, black shoes, and brown jacket. Also, Haruhi was wearing a long brown wig. "Why did we even bother with disguises? We stick out like a sore thumb."

I shooed all the little kids who were looking at us, "Allez! Didn't your parents teach you that it's rude to stare?" At least there weren't any teachers in the hall.

Honey grabbed Haruhi's and I's arms and told us, "This way!" We followed him to the middle of the hall where we stopped in front of a set of double doors. Honey peeked inside. "This is it. Shiro-chan's classroom." He suddenly ran inside, "When I was in elementary school, this was my classroom, too!"

My friend and I walked in. It was recess and electives, so the classroom was completely empty. Honestly, it didn't look much different from my elementary classrooms in France. I smiled at the small desks and ran my hand over the top of one. Tamaki and I always sat next to each other. I would sit on the end of the row, and he'd sit to the right of me. We always knew we would be together in partner activities that way. It wasn't that we didn't like the other kids; we just liked each other better. We trusted each other. Things were wonderful when we didn't understand, I thought to myself.

"So, the kid's classroom is empty, isn't it?" Tamaki's voice brought me back to reality. I looked behind me and saw the rest of the Host Club blatantly walk in, and my temper flared.

"This sure takes me back," the twins said as they looked around the room.

Kaoru asked, "I wonder if doodles are still on my desk?"

Kyoya told him, "Doubtful. The school changes out the desks every year." Every year? What need was that for? They all seemed to be in good condition.

"Let's check out the cafeteria after this," the older twin suggested.

"I want to see the old gym."

"Good idea, Kaoru," Tamaki approved, even though he hadn't been to that school.

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