Chapter 1

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"Look into his eyes Bay! You have to look professional"

I stood there. I looked at Mrs.Drew.

"Take a break?" I asked.

She nodded. "Everyone take five." everyone scattered.

Hi my name is Bay Marcy. Weird first name, yeah, I know. I'm one of those shy girls no one talks to. I don't even have friends. I literally don't have any. It's just me, my little bother, and my mom. Oh yeah forgot about my step dad, he hates me. I never thought that anyone could be like me, the way I am. I know people cut, try to kill themselves, go and kill others, or other things, but me I only do two of those things. Yeah I'm a cutter and try to kill myself too much. Finally I've coming to see that those aren't the choices that should be made. The school I go to is for talented people. Me, I'm good at acting. Others, singing, dancing, and more. A ton of celebraties come here. We are suppose to get new people today, I think they were talking about. I don't know doesn't really matter to me I don't talk to anyone.

I walked off the stage.

"You have to look professional"

"yeah right!" I said to myself.

"Hey! Can you get me one of those water bottles?"

Is he talking to me?

"Chick with the freakish hair!"

"Excuse me? I have a name, and you have two legs get it yourself." He gave me a disgusting look.

I took a sip of my water, it was refreshing.

High school is such a prick. There is nothing fun about it. Well I mean I have no friends so there is no fun.

Most people call me an emo girl, but I don't fit in with them. I like being my own person. I was stopped dead in my thoughts.

"Bay, why aren't you acting in character?" Mrs.Drew said standing infront of me.

"How can I be in character when they are making faces and whispering on the side stage about me?" I asked looking up at her face.

She sighed and crossed her arms. "Bay how do people like you."

I looked down at my hands moving them around. "I gotta go."

She got out of my way. "Where are you going? Bay practice isn't over! Bay you will lose your part."

"How is it practice when I'm not doing anything right?" she didn't reply.

I slammed the door behind me. It's my last class of the day. I have nothing else to do. I guess I'll just take a walk in the hallway.

"Oh my gosh! It's Bay Marcy." I moved my eyes to the speaker.

"What do you want Inaam?" I asked. I stood there.

She hated me and I don't know why.

"Nothing, I just want you to suffer." I rolled my eyes.

"Is there something wrong with you that you have to bully me all the time? How about you go run to your boyfriend and tell him about how much you hate me!" she looked stunned.

Her boyfriend just moved here actually, so he might not know who I am.

"He already knows I hate you Bay, what kind of name is that anyway? Was your mom drunk or something? Did your dad beat her?" she snickered at her last comment.

"Inaam just beat it okay! I don't want anything to do with you, there is other people to pick on but you chase after me, get a fucking life." I started to walk away.

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