Leaving my unfinished letter on the desk, I went to lay down on my bed. I was in that down time during my day when night classes were finished but there was still time before I went to eat with Yuuki and Zero. Yuuki had noticed that I was starting to get depressed even though I did my best to hide it. I tried to play it off as just being homesick, which I was, but there was so much more than that.

I was starting to get angry at myself for being so comfortable in this world and for making ties. Now, whether I stayed or returned, I would be leaving friends behind and that would break my heart. I wish that I knew what to do, that I had some idea of how to get back, but I don't and that scares me. Curling up into a ball, I touched my keys that were still attached to my belt and mentally told Horologrium to wake me around 11 am. I felt his answering warmth that said that he heard me and would do as I asked before letting myself fall into a fitful sleep.

Zero POV

I saw Lucy coming and knew that something was wrong. She was still smiling, but it wasn't that bright-as-sunlight smile that I had come to look forward to. I decided not to say anything considering that Lucy's fan boys weren't far away either. Plus, I knew that Yuuki would ask her anyway, so I just had to wait and listen.

Her fan club had learned quickly to keep a safe distance from the three of us, especially with me around. Early on, a couple of fan boys had tried to join us, but I had sent them running. Those who didn't run... I don't know how she did it, but Lucy did this sweet smile and eyes thing that had them stuttering and falling over themselves to do exactly what she asked them, which was for them to go get the three of us drinks and to keep everyone else back so she could have a private conversation with Yuuki and me about security. I don't laugh very often, but seeing those boys doing my job to keep everyone else back while not realizing that they didn't get to be with her either, almost had me laughing my head off.

We sat at our usual spot at the fountain as we ate, she really was a great cook, and I watched her to see what was wrong. I still didn't see any bite marks on her neck, wrists, or legs, so I was pretty sure that the vampires weren't feeding for her. I thought that maybe she was just homesick since that would make the most sense, but I didn't want to ask her about that either. I didn't want her to leave. And from the looks I had seen Hanabusa, Takuma and Hikaru giving her, I could tell that they didn't want her to leave either.

"Are you doing okay, Lucy? You seem tired," Yuuki asked her between bites.

The blondes smile faded a bit. "I'm fine, I just thought that I'd be home by now. Loke just told me after patrol last night that he wasn't able to get to Fairy Tail from the Celestial world. That means I can't tell my guild where I am or even that I'm alive. I guess that I'm just trying to deal with the fact that I may never get home."

I shouldn't feel relieved to hear that! I scolded myself as I continued to eat.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but you shouldn't give up yet," Yuuki told her, doing her best to cheer up the blonde. "Like you said, it's only been two weeks and a lot can still happen. If the people at your guild are anything like you've described, they're not going to give up on you. Even if it takes a while, I have a feeling that they will still figure out a way to get you home. So the best thing you can do for yourself and them is to live your life as best as you can here so you will still be the same great person that they love when you get home."

I stuffed another bite of food into my mouth to hide my smile. Yuuki always had a way to make people happy and to help them feel better. I had seen it all the time since I had met her four years ago. If it hadn't been for her, after my family was killed, I don't know what might have happened to me. It was easy to see the Lucy wasn't immune to Yuuki's helpful personality either, the blonde gave her that brighter-than-sunlight smile and started eating her lunch with renewed vigor.

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