He grinned back at her. That was easy enough and he could afford it, plus it would mean that he'd get to spend time alone with her. "I think we have a deal."

"Don't you dare hold back on me," she told him as she took her stance.

He smiled maliciously at her. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Just as he was talking, Lucy felt the air cool around her and she instantly dove to the right and rolled to avoid the ice that had attempted to capture her.

I thought it was him that used the ice attack before, Lucy thought as she kept moving to avoid the ice that was trailing after her. But this is different from the way Gray uses ice magic. Gray make objects, Aidou freezes everything that he touches or that is touching the ground... A plan quickly formed in her head as she was diving to avoid capture again.

Aidou had her on the run and he liked it. If he kept this up, she would get tired soon and he'd have the win! But he could tell that Lucy wouldn't go down without a fight. She would be attacking soon and he was prepared for it.

"Open, Gate of the Bull, Taurus!" The ornate circle appeared in front of her and Aidou was careful not to be distracted by the flash of gold light as a huge creature that looked like a cross between a man and a cow appeared, swinging a giant axe at the spot he had been standing. He had barely jumped out of the way in time to avoid being cut open.

"You better mooove at of my way," the spirit grinned as he continued to advance on Aidou.

He sent his ice to capture the bull spirit, but it simply smashed the advancing ice with its axe before coming after him again. The blond vampire hadn't expected this, but then Lucy had a lot of keys and from what he understood, each of those keys was for a different spirit. That means that she doesn't just have one type of magic, she has a lot! I have to take her out now or keep on the move until she runs out of magic!

Careful of the axe, Aidou advanced on the spirit. He dodged the swinging axe at the last moment before grabbing its arm and freezing its entire body in place. He could have made it burst like he had done before, but considering how angry that had made Lucy the last time, he decided against it. A moment later, it didn't seem to matter, since the spirit disappeared from inside the ice.

He looked away to locate Lucy, realizing too late that she was practically on top of him. Her booted foot connected to his jaw and sent him flying back and rolling until he slammed into a tree. He spat out a mouth full of blood before looking up at the other blonde and grinned like an idiot. She bakes, she's physically strong, and she knows how to fight. I just might be falling for this girl.

Jumping to his feet, he ran at her as fast as he could to try to catch her off guard. She was dodging his attacks too well for him to get a good grip so he could freeze her, but he was still making contact. Each time he touched her, he was able to cool her muscles which served to slow her down a great deal.

Just as he was about to grab her and put an end to the fight, she pulled another key from her belt. "Open, Gate of the Scorpion, Scorpio!"

Aidou didn't have a chance to see the spirit she summoned before he received a face full of sand that threw him away from her and had him rolling on the ground. Giving his head a shake, he got the sand out of his eyes, nose and mouth before looking up at her and scowling. "Getting sand in a man's eyes is just rude!"

She scowled right back at him as the spirit disappeared and her hands rubbed over her chilled skin. "And a gentleman isn't supposed to let a lady be cold, so I guess that makes us even!"

And just like that, he was laughing again and chasing after her with his ice. Lucy was moving a little slower than before because of her cold muscles and realized that it wouldn't be long before he caught her if the fight kept going this way. She was pulling out Loke's key just as she felt her right foot start to freeze over. She didn't even have to call out for him; Loke felt the urgency and appeared beside her, punching the ice to break her foot free.

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