"You expect us to believe that?" I snapped at her, causing her to glare at me.

"It's the truth, and I can prove it too." She quickly reached under the right side of her skirt and grabbed what looked like a key. I felt her power rise around her and drew my gun, but she was faster. "Open, Gate of the Twins, Gemini!"

There was a flash of gold light that forced me to shield my eyes. When I was able to see again, I gasped and nearly dropped my gun in shock. Right there, hovering in the middle of the room, were two small, blue creatures that almost seemed to be dancing.

"Hello, Miss Lucy," they said in unison.

"What can we..." said the one on the left

"Do for you?" the one on the right finished.

Lucy smiled before looking at me and pointing. "He doesn't believe that I'm a mage from Fiore. Let's prove it to him, show him what you can do!"

The two blue creatures flew toward me quickly. They didn't hurt me, but touched my hand before being obscured in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, I had to lean against the wall to stay upright. I was looking at Ichiru. At least, that's what I thought at first. Then my mind got over the initial shock and I saw my tattoo of the left side on its neck. That's when I realized that it had transformed into me.

The other me, his eyes went wide for a moment before placing a hand on his head, as if it was hurting. When our eyes met each other, I saw sadness and pain, just like I did every time I looked in the mirror. Then he lowered his hand and smiled at me. "Seeing me must be strange, reminds you of when you were a kid, doesn't it? Looking at Ichiru was like looking at a mirror, and it's the same feeling now."

"Shut up!" I yelled as I took aim with my gun, but I didn't fire. There was another cloud of smoke and the other me disappeared. Now there were two Lucy's! They were so identical that it was unnerving.

"These are the celestial spirits Gemi and Mini, also known as Gemini. I summoned them from the Celestial Spirit World. They have the ability to change their form into anyone they touch and have access to their thoughts as well," said the first Lucy.

"We are also one of the twelve Zodiac keys, which makes us one of the strongest spirits around. But we're still not as strong as the Leo the Lion, but Miss Lucy has possession of his key too," said the second Lucy.

"So, now do you believe me?" Said the first Lucy.

Still in a bit of shock, I lowered my gun and just stared at them. Yuuki looked seemed amazed as she stepped forward to examine both Lucys more closely. The second Lucy giggled as Yuuki gently poked her cheek, then she did the same to the first Lucy.

"I really can't tell the difference between them. I've never seen anything like this." She said as her sights switched from one blonde to the other.

"I've never heard of any vampire being able to do this, not even a pure blood vampire," Cross said as he watched with wide-eyed fascination.

There was another poof of smoke and the second Lucy turned back into the floating blue creatures. "Thank you, Gemini. You can got back now." The real Lucy smiled at them.

As they faded away in cloud of gold dust, I continued to stare. I could concede that Lucy wasn't a vampire and definitely wasn't a human. But a mage from another world? It didn't seem real, but there really was no other explanation.

"How is this possible?" I muttered.

"Perhaps it would be best if you explained exactly what happened," Cross said as he watched her from his seat behind his desk.

Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now