Chapter 13-Double Dose of Guys

Start from the beginning

Kate smiled.

"I'd agree with that Irina. But I don't understand, why did you run away?"

"Because of his face. He was empty. He was rejecting me, he turned away. I've never been so scared in my life," I whispered.

"You still need to go home. Talk to him, he needs to know what has you so upset," Eleazer said wisely.

"Where are we?" I asked timidly.

"You've just crossed the Canadian border. I'll run with you if you like," Irina offered.

"Ok, um, thanks," I hesitated.

As we bid the rest of the Denali's goodbye and began running, I wondered why Irina was suddenly being so helpful. She'd never expressed any like in me once when we'd met. I was very slightly unnerved by her sudden show of friendship, but decided to ignore it. After all, she was being very helpful.

It was as I ran back that I realised how foolish I'd been, running away from him, instead of talking to him. I'd caused both of us pain, probably, and it was utterly uncalled for, and completely my fault.


Irina had taken me back a more direct route, and we were back in Forks very quickly. I hugged her, thanking her profusely.

"Thank you so much Irina," I said sincerely.

"Anytime, bye Bella!" she said, smiling as she took off.

It took me about three minutes to reach the Cullen house, and I was nervous about returning. I knocked, as I didn't have a key, and Esme answered the door. She gasped when she saw me.


I smiled weakly, and she ushered me in. She didn't ask me any questions, but disappeared suddenly. I assumed that she was going to get someone, but she didn't return by the time I counted out a minute, so I headed upstairs as slowly as I could. In other words, pretty fast.

There was silence in Edward's room, and I cracked open the door slowly. If I were human, my heart would be thudding. What if that was it? What if he no longer wanted me? My breathing picked up as I imagined life without Edward, and I knew I didn't have to imagine it, I knew it. But without Jacob constantly by my side? Well I guess he was still waiting for the day Edward messed up enough for him to take over.

Edward was standing by the window, dark bags under his eyes. He was side on to me, and I was surprised he hadn't heard the slight noise of the door open. Scrap that, I was utterly puzzled. His bronze hair was ruffled and he looked like hell. I pushed the door open a little more, my eyes darting around nervously.

Edward spun round suddenly, obviously hearing the scrape of the door as it crossed over his carpet. I locked my eyes with his, determined not to look away like a coward.

"Bella!" he cried.

His arms twitched up a little, as though to take me in his arms, and that was all it took. With that, I was flying towards him, filling his arms with Bella. He hugged me tightly, not showing any sign of letting go soon, and we breathed in each other scents. Edward sighed, pulling me onto his bed.

I felt so foolish for running away. I felt like a coward. I couldn't understand why I'd done it at all, I should have spoken to Edward, not hurt both of us far more than needs be. The rain drizzled down outside, reflecting my mood perfectly.

"Why did you leave?" Edward asked, his voice quiet.

I looked away from him, not wanting to meet his eyes as I explained why I'd disappeared so suddenly.

"I'm so sorry," he murmured, drawing me close.

Although I wanted nothing more than to stay in his arms, we needed to get something straight first. He couldn't shoulder the blame for something that was entirely my fault. He just couldn't. It wasn't fair at all, and he needed correcting. Now.

"Edward Cullen, this was my fault. Don't you dare say anything but, because it was. You can't take the blame for everything," I said.

Edward sighed and kissed my temple gently. I smiled, knowing that I couldn't change his nature. But that was just one of the reasons I loved him.

"How is she?" I asked suddenly, remembering the injured woman.

"She's better. Carlisle took her to the hospital, and said she owes you her life," he said, smiling at me proudly.

"Who is she?"

"She's the mother of Katrina, one of the girls in our-"

"Spanish class," I finished in a whisper.

I felt devastated. Katrina. She'd helped me while Jessica stole away my reason for existing, and she wasn't afraid of me. Why did it have to be all the nice people that got hurt? It was so unfair.

"Bella?" Edward asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Why?" I asked in a moan, before explaining why I was upset about it.

"It's ok love, she'll be fine," Edward assured me.

I calmed myself down. Why was I feeling so hormonal lately? It was like I had no control over my emotions, and it was driving me insane. I sighed, leaning my head against Edward's shoulder.

I heard Alice calling for me excitedly downstairs, and I groaned. I smelt wet dog in the air, and I cursed when I realised that Jacob was here. I felt Edward stiffen beside me, and I kissed him quickly. He didn't seem to realise that I didn't feel that way for Jacob, just that he did for me.

Talk about a double dose of guys.


Hi there,

Sorry this is so short, but I'm not very well at the moment. I had most of it written already, so I just added in the last little bit. I thought you'd rather have something than wait!

Please comment, vote, follow, and I hoped you enjoyed it!

Lucy xX

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