Night Class Dorm

Lucy POV

I blinked a few times as my brain attempted to process exactly what that vampire, Kaname, had said to me. When it finally did I felt the blood drain from my face.


They wanted me to stay with them? Stay in a building full of vampires that could attack me at any second? To drain me of every drop of me blood without mercy until there was nothing but a lifeless shell?

Puncture wounds... they were all over her body. So pale, so frail, she didn't even look alive. "M-mama?"

I gasped as I jumped over the back of the couch, as I did I lost my balance and landed with my right hand curled into my palm. Luckily, none of my fingers broke, but what was probably worse was that my nails dug into my skin and I felt it cut deep. I didn't even need to look to know that I had drawn blood when I suddenly heard the hungry sniffs of the vampires in front of me. Looking up at them, my terror returned as I saw red eyes staring back at me.

Loke instantly put himself between me and the vampires his fists glowing in preparation for battle. "Don't make me regret giving you a chance."

My entire body was shaking as I watched them. Kaname's eyes were the first to lose their strange glow. Takuma was quick to follow before he took hold of Aidou as the other blonde attempted to step forward. Seconds later, Loke grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from where I had been. Another vampire had jumped down from the second floor and landed in the spot where I had been moments before.

This new vampire with sandy brown hair and red glowing eyes moved quickly to knock Loke away to grab me, but Takuma was faster as he pulled me away. Loke didn't hesitate to engage in a quick battle. My terror, if possible, increased even more as I gripped my hand to my chest to try and stop the bleeding. A vampire had a hold of my arm and another was trying to attack me. I tried to pull away but he didn't let go.

"Hikaru," Kaname said, his voice carrying past us. This caused the other vampire to hesitate long enough for Loke's glowing fist to connect with his chin and throw him back. Before he could stand, Kaname had moved to stand before him. The other vampire looked up and went stife, the glow fading from his eyes changing to light blue before he moved to kneel in front of him.

"My apologies, Lord Kaname. I lost all sense of myself when the scent of blood came upon me," the vampire said, keeping his eyes on the floor.

"I am not the one that you should be apologizing to," he replied, his voice much colder than he had been using before. "You took the same vows as the rest of us yet you were unable to control your thirst and attacked Lucy right in front of me. I must say, I am very disappointed in you seeing as you are the only person in the entire dorm to have attacked her."

I noticed that Loke had pulled me away from Takuma, but the other vampires had positioned themselves to defend me. Though I knew they were there to protect me, I was still terrified of being attacked. When the other vampire turned to look at me, I gripped onto Loke even tighter.

"I do apologize for my misconduct," the vampire, Hikaru, said to me. "I feel ashamed of myself for my actions and would understand if you cannot forgive me. I promise that I will conduct myself with greater control in the future." Looking at the vampire before me, I saw that there was shame on his expression for what had happened. He was honest about his apology.

Despite my fear, I stepped around Loke so that I could look at him directly, though I still kept a grip on his jacket. "Since I can tell you mean it, I forgive you. Please show more restraint in the future. I have a paralyzing fear of vampires and actions like that won't help me get past it since I'm apparently stuck here until my guild figures out a way to get me home."

Hikaru's eyes went wide for a moment, I also noticed the surprised gasps of the vampires that were close to me. He nodded to me before standing and bowing to me at the waist. "You are very kind and I do not deserve such kindness. I swear that I will not break your trust."

"Thank you," I whispered, sure that he would hear me.

He gave me another nod before turning to bow to Kaname and walking back up stairs. It was only after I heard the door close that I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"That was very kind of you," Kaname said, grabbing my attention as he gave me a small smile. "You did not have to forgive him, but you did so anyway in spite of your fear. I do not know of many humans that would have the strength to do that."

Looking down at my hand, I was relieved to see that the bleeding had stopped. "It wasn't completely his fault anyway. If I hadn't panicked and cut my hand open, he wouldn't have lost control."

"Still, that was very selfless of you," Takuma said as he handed Loke a bandage for my hand. "But I must tell you, the scent of your blood was like nothing I've ever come across before, very exotic. It was actually difficult to control my own urges for a moment."

"If that's the case, then Lucy shouldn't stay here," Loke said as he placed the bandage on my hand. "I can't be here indefinitely to protect her from your urges and keeping her in a place where she will be surrounded by vampires that are thirsting for her 'exotic' blood doesn't seem like the best idea."

"I understand your concern, but there are greater ones at hand," Kaname said as he returned to his seat while Loke and I sat back down on the couch. "Not all vampires share our pacifist view and are actually quite dangerous. There are also vampires known as Level E's. Those are vampires that have lost their grip on humanity and are little more than monsters, they have no control over their hunger. Those are the vampires that you should fear."

"What you're saying is that it's safer for her to stay with vampires who know how to control their hunger?" Loke said, I could tell he didn't like the idea at all.

"The only options I see are that you can stay here with us so we can protect you. We could let you live among the humans but that also leaves you open to attacks by Level E vampires. Or we can turn you over to the Hunters Association but I fear that they will see you as a threat. Someone like you has never existed in our world before and they may decide to lock you away for the safety of the human population." Kaname told her, seeming a little bored from explaining things to her.

I could see the wheels turning in Loke's head as he thought about it. Right away, I knew that he was going to agree with him and I was already shaking my head.

"Princess, I know you're scared and that you don't want to stay here, but he's right. We don't have any other choice but to trust them."

"Loke, please..."

"If you can't trust them, then trust me; you know that I would never let anything happen to you if I could help it. And from what I can see, this is the best option we have." Then he turned and locked eyes with Kaname. "I will agree to leave her in your care, but I want your word that none of your people will feed on her and that you will protect her when I can't."

He gave us a nod. "I swear to you that I will do everything within my power to keep her safe while she is at this academy. I will personally deal with anyone who would dare to harm her."

"Why are you so interested in helping me?" I asked as I gripped Loke's jacket.

"It's simple really, I find who and what you are to be fascinating and I am interested in learning more about what you are as well as the world you come from. I can't do that if you suddenly disappear or get killed, now can I?"

I had to make the decision soon; I could already feel a serious drain on my magic from the battle with the mage in my world and from summoning Sagittarius and Loke. I don't think I had ever had such a difficult decision before. My mind was telling me that these vampires were being very kind to me, but my fears were telling me to run away as quickly as my battered body could carry me. I wanted to look to Loke for advice, but that wouldn't have done any good.

Taking a deep breath, I looked over the group of vampires before me and nodded. "I will try to get over my fear and trust all of you. But I beg of you, please do make me regret this."

Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ