Chapter 61: Closer

Start from the beginning

"You could've at least tried."

"I know, and I'm so sorry. About everything," he replied. A tear fell from the corner of his left eye.

"Sorry again? When will you stop just saying sorry and actually showing that you are? I'm having a hard time believing anything you say, I really am."

It was like someone took my heart from my chest and stomped on it. There was nothing left except for the hole where it used to be. Rubbles that were lies remained, dusting the place. I couldn't take any more lies, any more secrets, and to be honest, I didn't want to. Where was the truth hiding?

It was difficult to stay angry with D.O when his eyes emitted hurt and were staring directly at me. It was hard to look at his now tear-stained face. For the first time since I met him, he looked completely and utterly vulnerable, like he knew he couldn't do anything about the situation.

"You know what, now I'm actually glad you've ignored me all this time," Hye Jin said to D.O, and we both turned around to glare at her. "Now I see how pathetic you are. How pathetic you both are!"

That was it. That was the last straw. Before I even knew how to act, I was in front of her and my hand made contact with her cheek. Hard.

Her jaw dropped in a gasp and she held the sore area with both hands, staring at me as if she couldn't believe I just slapped her. I would've done worse if they weren't so illegal. This girl really pulled my strings. I felt D.O's hands grip my shoulders and pulled me back from Hye Jin. It was a good thing he did because if he didn't, I would've probably jumped her and started hitting her.

"Ugh, you little piece of sh*t!" Hye Jin screamed at me.

I wanted to move forward, but D.O was still holding me in place. He must have looked calm to the trash stood in front of us, but I could hear the heaviness of his breathing. He was as pissed off as I was, just better in keeping his ground and hiding it.

"I think you better go, Hye Jin," D.O warned through gritted teeth.

"I hope you both rot in hell!" she yelled before storming off, out of our sights.

Minutes passed and my adrenaline rush has been drained from my body. What occurred has been emotionally and physically exhausting that my knees weakened, causing me to collapse onto the ground. I looked down and began sobbing again. Sobbed for myself, because I just felt sorry for me. I was so tired. When was everything going to end?

"Eunmi," D.O cooed, kneeling beside me, reaching his hands out to me.

"Don't," I said, leaning away. Instead of obliging, he wrapped his arms around me and brought me close to his chest.

"It's your fault, it's all your fault," I cried, pulled away and started hitting him repeatedly on his chest. They eventually slowed down and he held my wrists, bringing me close to him again. He brought my head to rest on the crook of his neck and kissed the top of it, while I continued to cry in his arms. I felt wet droplets on my hair and knew immediately that he was also crying.

"I don't know how you can ever forgive me with all the lies I've told and secrets I've kept. I don't expect you to, but please don't push me away. I don't want to be far from you again," he said.

"I'm not going to push you away," I weakly whispered. He pulled away and cupped my cheeks between his hands, lifting my head up to look at him.

"You're not?"

"Of course not. I'm just... No matter how much crap happens, I can never really stay mad at you," I told him, not helping the light chuckle. "I love you too much for that."

Silence covered us like a blanket. A minute passed and my eyes widened, realising what I had said. I pulled away from his touch too quickly, stood up and placed my hands over my mouth. D.O also stood up, his face plastered with mixed emotions. I thought I would have kept what I really felt hidden until I was ready to tell him, yet I just blurted out that I loved him. My heart began raising faster than ever and my palms started to sweat over my covered mouth.

"Y-You love me?" D.O asked, his voice quivered in nervousness.

I sighed. There was no point in denying it now. "Yes, I do, D.O," I said.

He slowly stepped closer and his hands reached towards me, but hesitated before bringing them back down on his sides. Maybe he was just as nervous and surprised about this as I was.

"You don't have to s--"

My words were cut off when his hands once again cupped my cheeks, and the soft touch of his lips collided with mine.

It was like the cage in my stomach, which held butterflies in them, opened up and the little insects began to wildly fly. D.O's hands snaked from my face and down to my waist, holding me in place, as I brought mine around his neck. Our second kiss. It felt even more magical than the first. It was probably because we longed for each other during the times we were apart, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. The way he was holding me so close to him felt as if nothing went wrong or nothing cam ever go wrong again.

As we pulled from the kiss, but still held each other like there was no tomorrow, we met one another's gaze with a smile.

"I love you," he cooed, bringing our foreheads to touch and then pulling away so he could kiss mine.

"And I love you," I smile.


Ahepwsbslenfnlw!!! No other words to describe KyungMi at this moment haha

How are you guys feeling???

I'll see you all in the next chap. x

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