I Didn't Know

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"Vas happening", Zayn said walking in to the living room.

"Hey", said Louis. He was the only one awake.

Louis was making breakfast for the boys.

"You are never up this early", said Louis.

"I couldn't sleep", said Zayn.

"Oh... I almost forgot a girl called said she needed to talk to you her name was Mackenzie Clarke", said Louis.

"I don't know who that is", said Zayn.

"I think you should call her anyways it sounded really important".

"Did she leave a number"?

"No she said she would come by here at abound 10".

"Why would she just come over"?

"I invited her", said Louis with a smirk.

Then there was a knock on the door.

Louis went to answer it.

"Mackenzie come in. Please", Louis said with a smile.

"Hi", Mackenzie said.

Mackenzie had long wavy black hair with blonde streaks, and emerald green eyes.

"Where is Zayn", Mackenzie asked Louis.

Louis directed Mackenzie to the living room right as the boys were coming down the stairs.

"Hi Zayn", the boys said.

The boys saw Mackenzie and stood there staring.

"Hi", Liam said finally cutting the silence.

"Hi I'm Mackenzie".

"Why are you in our house", Niall asked trying not to be rude.

" I needed to talk to Zayn", said Mackenzie.

"What do you need", Zayn snapped at Mackenzie.

"You don't remember me do you", Mackenzie said.

"I'm sorry no".

"It's understandable since you haven't seen me since... June 31st 2009", said Mackenzie hoping he would remember.

Zayn looked up and whispered "Genevieve".

"Genevieve... your first love", Louis said.

"That's my sister", Mackenzie said.

"Why are you here does Genevieve know", Zayn said.

"You bastard", Mackenzie said with tears in her eyes.

"What", Zayn and Harry said confused.

"You don't know do you", Mackenzie asked.

"Know what".

"Genevieve is dead", Mackenzie said crying.

 Zayn looked hurt and a tear streamed down his face.

"What... What happened", Zayn asked.

"You happened... She killed herself after you left", said Mackenzie.

"You told us about Genevieve. I thought you said she was still alive", said Liam.

"Oh so you told them about her... About how you knocked her up", said Mackenzie raising her voice.

"No... I never mentioned the pregnancy", said Zayn.

"What happened to the baby", Niall asked.

"Genevieve had the baby it was a girl... The night Genevieve brought her home Genevieve killed herself. The baby is in my care. I am supposed to adopt the baby now. I thought as the father you should know", Mackenzie said angerly.

"Does she have a name", Zayn asked crying happy tears.

"Yeah... I named her because you weren't there", said Mackenzie crying.

"Can I see her", Zayn asked. 

"I don't know... I don't know if I want you involved", said Mackenzie.

"Look Mac I wa-", Zayn was interrupted.

"Don't call me Mac", said Mackenzie.

"I want to meet my daughter", said Zayn.

"Your daughter? Last time I checked when Genevieve was taking the pregnancy test... You were cheating on her with Hailey Litman", said Mackenzie.

The boys were shocked that Zayn would do such a thing.

"Please", said Zayn.

"Fine", Mackenzie said walking out of the house.

When Mackenzie walked in she had a baby carrier in her hand. She set it on the ground and grabbed the baby out.

Zayn's face lit up.

"Zayn this is your daughter... Emily... Emily Winter Clarke".

"Where do you live", Zayn asked.

"Why", said Mackenzie with a scowl.

"I want to be a part of my daughters life to do that I need to know here she lives", said Zayn.

"Right now in my car", Mackenzie mumbled.

"What... Why", Harry asked with a sad look on his face.

"Because Genevieve is dead... I lived with her. Our parents ran off when I was 16 and she was 17. She got pregnant at 18", said Mackenzie glaring at Zayn.

Zayn gave the boys an Are-you-thinking-what-I-am-thinking look.

"Move in here we have a 9 bedroom house for 5 people we could make one your room and one a nursery", said Louis.

"I don't know... I barely know Zayn let alone you", said Mackenzie.

All the boys gave puppy dog faces to Mackenzie.

"You don't recognize my face yet you remember my weak spot for puppy dog faces" Mackenzie said jokingly.

"Will you" Harry asked with a wink.

"Yes... As long as my bedroom is far away from his", said Mackenzie pointing to Harry.

They boys helped bring all of Mackenzie's stuff in the house and up to a plain bedroom.

Zayn's Child *Completed*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant