Chapter Two

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Lauren stayed pinned under the stranger, her arms still up in defense and her dark, gleaming eyes still locked with the brunette's matching ones. It was silent for a few moments. It seemed even the birds and insects stopped making noise to watch the girls in the middle of the forest. Or maybe the pounding of their blood in their ears blocked out everything else.

Neither of the two knew what to say. Lauren's never seen another demon before and judging by the strangers reaction, neither had she. Both panting girls just stopped and stared because that's all they could think to do.

They both weighed their options. Lauren was debating on breaking the silence because the girl above her was starting to make her leg fall asleep, but what if she wasn't a good demon. She could be a threat, right? This girl might be a complete psycho. She was just about to snap her neck!

Before Lauren did anything, she felt the stranger remove her hands from her head. "Are you..." The brunette started softly and blinked her eyes back to brown, "Are you a demon, too?"

Lauren changed her eyes back, too. "I- Yeah. I thought I was the only one." She admits.

The younger girl looks down and sees that she's still straddling the girl. "Oh sorry." She quickly rolls off, her adrenaline from wrestling running off to hide behind her usual, awkward self. She hesitantly extends a hand to help the other girl up.

Lauren takes the soft hand in hers and stand up, brushing the dirt and leaves off of her jeans once she's back on her feet. The older girl looks back up to meet the brunette's gaze. How are you supposed to start a conversation after that? 'Sorry for attacking you before, want to exchange survival tips?'  Luckily, Lauren didn't have to break the ice.

"Um why have I never seen you around before?"

Lauren had a long explanation. She left the once a day for two hours and her house was deep in the forest so no one could find her. But she assumed the girl didn't want her life story. "I'm good at hiding I guess." She shrugged. "Why haven't I seen you around?"

"This isn't really my neck of the woods. Pun intended." She smiles. Lauren smiles too. "No but seriously, I don't live around here. I was chasing that coyote for half a mile." She explains.

So that's why she was so mad at her. She ruined her chance at getting a meal. "I'm sorry." Lauren frowns. The girl gave her a confused look. "I didn't mean to get in the way of your game. Can I make it up to you? You can have half of whatever I catch tonight." Lauren knows how hard it is to find a decent meal and that coyote would have lasted days.

"There's no need for that." The younger of the two said.

"I insist. I don't usually go hunting until sundown but you can wait with me. My house is just over here." Lauren points behind her.

"Sure, why not." The girl agrees. A little company couldn't hurt, right?


Once they arrived back at the shabby shack, Lauren paused. "It's not much but it's home." She watched the girls eyes widen. "Well I didn't think it was that bad." Lauren frowns.

"No no no that's not-" The girl shakes her head. "It's incredible. I didn't expect it to be this... big! I've lived in a hallow tree for months and you have this luxurious shack!" She lets herself in. Lauren chuckles and follows her inside.

"Woah." She looks around in amazement. Right away she notices the shelf in the corner. "You have books too?! I haven't been table to read in so long." She flips through the pages of a magazine. "A couch!" She jumps over the arms and lays down. "Ohhh this feels so much better than the ground. Where did you get all of this stuff?"

"The side of the road mostly." Lauren explains, stepping into her kitchen. "Water?" She offers.

"Sure." The brunette sits up to make room for the older girl. Lauren comes into the living room area a few seconds later with a cup in each hand and a package of Ritz Crackers under her chin. "Cups? Food that isn't hunted animal? How do you get all of these things?"

"Before I left my real house, I took all of the money I could find. I only buy necessities. Tampons, cheap foods, clothes." Lauren explains.

"You seem to be doing great on your own. I think I cried for a week straight after being kicked out." The girl admits, taking a sip of her water.

"You were kicked out?" Lauren gasps.

"Well yeah, weren't you? My parents didn't want a demon living in their house. They tried giving me an exorcism once, it was actually pretty funny." She chuckles at the memory.

"So your parents know?"

"Yep. I think the only reason why they haven't told anyone is because they;re afraid I'll come back and murder them or something. That and no one will believe them and lock them away. But what happened with your parents? I assume they don't know..."

"I uh... killed them." Lauren says softly.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know." The girl quickly apologizes for her previous statement.

'It's okay, I know you didn't. I was young anyway, I don't really remember." The older demon looks away. "I promise I wont kill you or anything. I'm not sure what I was thinking at the time."

"How old were you? if you don't mind me asking." She says hesitantly. She didn't want to risk ruining the chance at being friends by asking things that would make the girl uncomfortable. But she was curious.

"Ten maybe eleven. A little while after realizing what I was."

The younger girl nods. It was silent again for a few moments. "Do you like it?" The brown eyed girl asks.

"Like what?" Lauren turns to face her.

"Being out here all alone. Free. Away from responsibilities."

"Sure. Sometimes it just gets lonely." Lauren sighs to herself.

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