Kyoya said, "Turn right, and it's the second door on the left." I clutched my bag and ran out of the room as fast as I could with the others calling my name. I thought I heard them following, but I wasn't too sure. I reached the toilet just in time to throw up the contents of my stomach. Even when there was nothing left, I kept retching.

Usually, after I threw up, I would start feeling better, and the attack would be over. There was something different that time, though. My heart rate was slowing, and I was panting for breath. A coughing fit racked my body, and when it wasn't, a wheeze could be heard in my breathing. It was a chaos I had never felt before, but I had always been warned of it. I was going into anaphylactic shock.

The door slammed open. "Katashi!" I heard Hikaru shout.

I turned my head to them all slightly. Everyone there looked terrified. Eric kneeled next to me and said, "I'm here, Katashi."

Kyoya told us, "The doctor should be here in a minute."

"Hikaru...." I managed. Eric looked taken aback.

He stepped forward, crouching in front of me, "What is it, Katashi?"

"My bag... has my EpiPen," I told him, pointing to the bag sitting nearby.

He quickly found it and asked, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Blue cap off.... Orange pointing down.... Inject outer thigh for... ten seconds.... Rub area for ten seconds...." I explained as best I could, but I knew my speech was beginning to slur. It was like I could feel my body shutting down, attacking itself. I was running out of time.

"I don't think-" he started.

I stressed, "Now!" He removed the blue cap and hesitated for a moment before jabbing the needle into my outer thigh. Everyone was very quiet as he waited for the ten seconds to be up and another ten for him to rub the area he injected me in. I felt my breathing immediately get better. "Merci, Hikaru." I rested my head against the wall of the bathroom, fatigue truly setting in.

"I need to get through!" a man's voice said. The group immediately parted, and Hikaru moved away from me. The man in a white lab coat replaced where he had been.

"She had her EpiPen injection," Eric told him. I felt him put something around my arm, and it began to squeeze me. It must have been a blood pressure tester.

"H-Hold on! I'm not even sure I did it right!" Hikaru rushed, still holding the device.

The doctor looked over at it, saying, "You did. The needle is pushed inside it." He took it off me, and he said, "She's stabilizing, but I need to get her somewhere more fit to check her. Quickly, someone carry her behind me." He stood up and started walking out of the room.

Tamaki volunteered, "I've got her." He picked up my limp body bridal style and started carrying me out. I moved my head a bit to look at the others, but my vision was still a bit blurry. My brother kissed my head and whispered in French, "You're okay now, Amarante."

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