Carter shook his head, feeling a tear rolling down his cheek. He didn't want to leave, but he did realize that him not wanting this was not going to affect the situation. He pushed himself from his mother's grip and rushed upstairs to his room, leaving his parents behind in the living room.


By the time Carter and Josh had gotten to his house, the rain had almost stopped and the the smell of the streets after rain made Carter happy. He loved the smell of the streets after the rain. The somewhat earthy yet fresh smell had something cozy.

Carter opened the door with his the keys he got out of the pocket of his jeans and upon opening the door, he found his friends talking on the couch, waiting for the two males.

"There you are!" Melanie said. "We were afraid you guys had drowned in the rain."

"Come on, we're not made of sugar," Josh said, giving Carter a glance and flashing him a smirk, causing Carter to smile.

"Wait, isn't that Josh's sweater?" Alyssa commented as she walked to Josh to wrap her arms around his waist.

"Ah, yes. We had to change," Carter said and rubbed the back of his neck, hoping he didn't look weird, wearing a sweater that was too large for him.

"Well you're just in time for diner!" Carter's mother was heard from the kitchen. Carter could already smell her famous homemade lasagna. Whenever there was a neighborhood party, she'd make lasagna. Everyone always loved it.

Upon entering the kitchen, he smelled the scrumptious smell and noticed how the entire kitchen was still decorated with garlands and several cards with the number "18" stuck to the wall.

"I have to say, Mrs. Raymore, I really missed your cooking," Paxton said, taking a seat at the table next to Josh.

Carter got insisted by his mother to go it at the head of the table and decided to just do as she pleased.

Being like this reminded Carter of the times that they had all come over to have diner here. Josh would usually stay over afterwards, while everyone else got picked up by their parents. Though now, Chris would drop everyone off at their houses, he assumed.

Though he enjoyed this, his first birthday upon moving back. Despite with everything that was going on, right now, he was satisfied.

After dinner, everyone had to head back home for school the next day. Alyssa laced her fingers together with Josh's and swayed their hands back and forth as they walked towards the door.

"Alyssa, I can also drop you off at your home," Chris offered as everyone hugged Carter goodbye.

"Oh, that won't be needed. I'm staying over at Josh's," Alyssa said.

Carter looked up at what she said, suddenly an unpleasant feeling going through him. His eyes traveled up to see Josh's face, though he didn't seem exactly happy. If anything, he appeared to be troubled.

"Do it safely," Paxton snickered before he got into the car. Alyssa rolled her eyes at him and walked off with Josh.

"See you guys tomorrow!" she called out, giving one last wave at Carter before walking away from the porch.

"See you tomorrow," Carter said softly, watching Alyssa and Josh leave together, holding hands. The unpleasant feeling remained and he leaned against the door opening, watching them walking until they were out of sight. He gave a soft sigh and walked back into the house.

"It was nice seeing everyone together here for dinner again," Carter's mother said. Carter went to help her clear the table and put everything in the dishwasher.

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