How am I going to face Zayn. I thought I was starting to fall in love with him but when Harry was crying and saying how much he loves me I couldn't help it. My feelings for him resurfaced and I love him. I am sure of that but I cant leave Zayn , it will ruin him.

What have I done?

"We are here" the taxi driver said.

I thank him and hand him the money. I walk up the driveway to the house, I open the door and see Kyle and James sitting on the couch.

"Kyle!" I scream and run over and give him a hug.

"Ally, How are you?" he says.

"I am good, I have missed you so much" I say.

"So Ally I didn't think you would stay the night." James says disappointed in me.

I sigh

"Ally were you with Zayn last night?" James asks

"No I was with Harry...He needed me last night, I could not just leave him..." I say starting to get angry.

"You know you are better than staying with boys over night. I would hate to see you in the papers being called One Direction's slut." James says and I feel hurt he would call me that.

"JAMES! don't call Ally that! this is why she left in the first place!" Kyle says sticking up for me.

Me and Kyle have always been close and James was always the outcast, mainly because he thought he was cooler than us since he was older.

"Well it is true. She is married to Zayn and spent the night with Harry what would you call that?"

At tis point I hug Kyle and start to cry on his shoulder.

"You are an asshole Ally is staying with me. You haven't changed, you told me you did and that is why I came here tonight to see you and Ally but you haven't . You tore our family apart!" Kyle says raising his voice. I can tell he is holding back tears by the shakiness in his voice.

"Ally get your stuff we are going" Kyle says as James just sits there silent. He has nothing to say which is surprising, he always says something.

I go up stairs and grab my stuff and the two of us leave to go to Kyle's place.


"so do you want to tell me about this husband of yours?" Kyle asks

"He is Zayn Malik from One Direction. He is so sweet and really cares about me but I am not as in love with him as he is with me..." I say knowing I can share anything with Kyle.

"Oh well do you think you can fall in love with him?"

"I don't know he is so caring and is really the one person that as made me feel loved. I know it sounds crazy but I never felt loved and with Zayn I do."

"Ally, I have always loved you, I am your brother, I am going nowhere. You don't have to stay with Zayn if you don't want to, you can stay with me until you figure out what you want to do."

"I think I will stay here, I have missed you so much. I just don't know what to do. This memory loss is terrible." I say giving Kyle a hug.

"Well I guess you should call Zayn and tell him what you are doing and have him drop off the rest of your luggage."

I just nod Kyle gets up from the couch and goes into the kitchen, I assume to make dinner. I can't believe that I slept with Harry last night. I feel so guilty. I should tell Zayn but then he will never want to speak to me or he will hurt Harry. I should tell Harry as well, but I don't want to think to much into it. Why did I do this? I hate that I have this secret. I need to talk to a girl.

I look through my phone and see Eleanor's name in my contacts. I hit the call button.

It rings once...twice..."Hello" I here a female voice say.

"Hey El its Ally" I say

"What's up?"

"I know I don't really remember you but do you think we could hangout...I could really use some girl time" 

"Sure! I can hangout tonight...the boys are going clubbing so I was just going to hang at the hotel. Do you want to come here or I will come to your brother's"

"I think I will come to the hotel. What time?" I ask.

" 7?"

"Okay see you then and thanks again" I say and hang up the phone.

I would have called Zayn but I felt way to guilty and I wasn't sure what to do yet so I need to talk to El first. She will help me figure out what to do, she is my friend right or that is what Zayn told me. I trust him and she seems to be my friend because she is willing to hangout with me on such short notice. I can't believe I actually am going to tell a stranger all my problems, but I need to. I hope se can help and not judge me for sleeping with Harry while I am dating Zayn. I am nervous what will se think of me.     

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