I could hear the Social Services woman walking towards us. She was so close I could smell the citrusy perfume she was wearing.

"And remember that this isn't forever. We're going to see each other again. I promise." The Social Service woman was reaching over to take Lilia from me.

This only made Lilia cry even more. Then the woman began to take her in her arms.

"Wait no," I held on tighter, "Not yet!"

She continued to pull Lilia out of my arms. I held on to my sister for dear life.

"No!" I screamed.

All of this made Lilia cry even louder. She was trying to pull away from the woman.

Finally she was pulled out of my grip. The Social Services woman started walking to the door. Someone outside opened it and they all walked out. I ran to try and catch up with them but the door was shut in my face. All I could do was look out the window and watch as they put my little sister into the car.

As they were getting ready to leave the last thing I heard was her calling my name "Catalina!" as loud as she could. And then the car door was shut and they drove off.

My knees gave in and I crumpled to the floor. And cried. I was there for hours just crying. They had taken the last member of my family away from me. She was only 8.

After that happened, I shut down. Stopped going to school. Started getting into worse trouble. I even built up a pretty decent criminal record. I had multiple boyfriends all of which were scum, dickheads, assholes, or all of the above. During that time I went through several Foster Families. Some of them were actually pretty nice, others simply didn't what I was doing as long as they got their check for me. But then there were some who tried to use brute force to reform me into a "better person". It's those families who more or less got me to where I am today. I suppose I should be somewhat grateful.

Long story short, I got in trouble. Really really big trouble, private investigators were involved. But I got lucky, someone found me and sent me to the Institution. The Institution is a place for wayward kids to be reformed into people useful to the government.

You see, the Institution is a secret black-ops division, where juveniles are trained as deadly weapons. Very few people know about the Institution. And only a handful of those people know what actually happens here.


I remember my first day here. It was overwhelming to say the least. Adam- the technology teacher and mission advisor brought me in. He took me to Shayla Hill, whom he referred to as the Director.

I was brought into her office. It was modest with simple furnishing, a nicely trimmed fern next to the door, subtle pale blue wall color, a leather couch along the back wall, and a tall lamp next to a big polished oak desk to illuminate the small room. The desk was cluttered with various papers and boxes of Hex Brand ball-point pens. Behind the desk, in a gigantic, red leather, spinning chair was a woman with long black hair and silvery gray eyes. Her face was creased and had wrinkles that made her look much older than she actually was. But her eyes portrayed her youth, they were bright and alert. She must have been in her early to mid-thirties.

She looked at Adam, "Is this the girl?" 

"Yes this is Cat-" I lifted up my hand to stop him.

"Ravyn" My voice was surprisingly confident.

Shayla looked amused. She nodded her head, closed her eyes an then smirked.

"Ravyn. Do you have a last name?" She looked at me and lifted her right eyebrow, she still had the smirk on her face.

My eyes fell onto the package of Hex Brand pens on her desk. I looked her in the eyes, my midnight blue ones, level with her gray ones. "Hex."

This time her smirk fell and it was replaced with a small smile, "Ravyn Hex." She closed her eyes again, as if contemplating what I had just said. When she finally opened her eyes she looked me up and down and if she wasn't overly intimidating, I would have made a joke about it looking like she was checking me out.

"Well Ms. Hex welcome to the Institution. I'm sure Adam has already told you what it is we do here but you probably have a few questions. Also I'm going to need you to take out your contacts"

I hadn't even thought about what exactly I wanted to ask. There so many questions I had but all that came out was, "Im not wearing contacts."

"You have a very unusual eye color."

"So I've been told." I bit my bottom lip, "Will this be like school?"

Shayla looked like she wanted to laugh but I had no clue as to why. "To an extent."

"To what extent?"

She smiled at me, "You will be trained much similarly to many government agents"

"Meaning?..." I could tell she wasn't telling me something.

"Meaning you will learn various things that most kids your age couldn't handle."

"What kinds of things?" I asked tentatively.

"Things most people only learn if they're part of a Black Ops division." She paused to see my reaction.

I wasn't sure what to say. More questions were forming in my head. How in hell did I wind up here?

"I'm sure there's more you want to ask but we should probably wait to discuss everything. Why don't you go with Adam and meet your fellow classmates" She smiled at me again and gestured for Adam to take me away.

And well I stayed here. I learned everything they had to teach me. Became one of the top students. But you're probably wondering what exactly I learned. Am I right?

The Insitution is a school of sorts. They take in "juvenile delinquents" who exhibit what they call "special traits" and use them as government agents. We are more or less the younger versions of Specials Ops. We are sent in solely for one purpose and one purpose only. To kill.

 To assassinate whatever target we are given.

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