"No it won't unless you're late everyday, like me."

"My adviser's a guy and he keeps kidding about stuff. He might make fun of me." She explained.

"You have to learn to stand up for yourself then."

She sighed and didn't respond.

While ascending the stairs, she still hasn't spoken a word and she was still unhappy about it.

"Cheer up." I said, facing her.

She ignored me and kept walking.

I couldn't help but escort this girl to her class. What she said might have happened so I decided to do so. "Fine... I'll walk you to your door."

She turned to me, surprised to hear that from a person like me. "Really?" She assured. The displeasure on her face disappeared.

"Don't feel too happy about it or I'll take back what I just said."

I was sure that she wanted to say something but I think I stopped her. She only took a steady look at me with a huge grin.

We made it in front of her room. She looked at me, and I looked back at her. We gazed at each other's eyes for a moment before I opened the door for her. The teacher was telling something to his class and they were all laughing. When he heard the door creak, he stopped speaking and looked at me.

"I believe that you entered the wrong room." He said to me.

"No, I'm just here to accompany this girl. Please excuse her. Her nose was bleeding earlier so I had to take her to the clinic." I replied, placing my hand on her back and pushing her gently.

She turned her head my way and with the way she looked, she didn't expect what I said.

"Don't worry. He'll surely buy it." I whispered. "Good luck." I winked at her then left. The door closed on its own because there was a closer above it. Because of what I did, I was certain that she was safe from having a tardy mark.

I arrived in class with the English teacher in front, discussing Roman Mythology.  I believe his name was Mr. Robinson, just as Zein called him. When I entered, the English teacher noticed me. I was too lazy to walk the back of the room to not to distract the class. I also didn't give too much crap about him being a teacher so I crossed the room in front of him.

"What a wonderful morning, Mr. Nathaniel." He remarked.

"What a wonderful morning indeed, Mr. Robinson." I agreed.

"Kindly explain to us why you're late?"

"I helped an old lady cross the street." I was sure that my reason won't get him deceived, but I couldn't think of anything else.

"That wouldn't take too much time."

"Oh yeah, I helped them with their groceries as well."

"Sit down." He commanded, grumpily.

"Thanks sir." I replied as I sat down on my seat. Zein was beside me, staring at me as I took my seat. I figured that he was about to start annoying me.

"Yo, Dale!" He thumped my desk. "Did you hear that Paramore is gonna have a concert next month?"

"Really? Get us some tickets."

"Don't have money, dude."

I was waiting my whole life for that concert, but it was impossible to get a ticket because both of us didn't have money. Oh, brother...

An hour and a half passed, so it was finally recess. I did not take out my packed food since I figured that one of my friends would come so I waited. I saw Norman Dickerson, just sitting on his chair, writing something. I stood up and approached him. I saw that he was drawing a cartoon character. Norman was a great sketcher. The drawing was almost done.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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