“Is Nikki still into you?” She unexpectedly said.

“Hm… Yeah. Why’d you ask?” I glanced at her.

“She was checking on you while you were asleep and I remember how she was so clingy.”

“Oh. Yup, she didn’t change. She’s still the same Nikki from last year.”

“Why would she even want a guy as lazy as you?” She insulted.

“Maybe because I look terrific.”

“Ew… There are guys like Riley who are truly responsible, but of all the guys, why you?” She compared.

“Riley’s one in a million. There’s no other man like him but I believe I’m better.”

“He’s in your class right? I bet he’s doing well and has attracted the girls.”

“I guess. I only heard him speak once.”

“That’s because you’re asleep most of the time.” She said, telling the truth.

“What’s wrong with that? I’m a healthy boy at least.”

“You should think about your future sometimes.” She said as we left the school grounds. “Anyway, why are you even walking home with me?”

“I have nothing to do at home, so I look for anything to waste my time on.”

“What about that annoying group of yours? I thought you hang around them every once in a while.” She insulted.

“That’s why it’s every once in a while. It doesn’t happen every time.” I answered.

“You should help your parents or something.”

“You sound as if you don’t want me here. Aren’t you glad that I’m still walking with you?” I asked, kinda irritated how she doesn’t want someone to walk with her.

“No, why would I?” She answered. I wasn’t sure if she was joking about her reply but I still took it seriously because the way she said it was a little confusing. Talk about being grateful.

“Okay then…” I began to walk on a different way but she immediately stopped me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back beside her.

“I was kidding.” She said. It doesn’t seem to be a joke.

“I knew it. You really want to walk with me.”

“Then leave, I won’t stop you this time.”

“No haha…” I chuckled. “Anyway, who are our classmates last year in your class?” I asked. That sounded a little messed up but I think she’ll understand.

“Hm… Allen Stewart, Mary Collins, Avraham Tran, Miguel Houston… Hm… Who else…” She paused. “Jessie. That’s everyone I guess.”

“Oh.” I replied. I didn’t now what I had to say next to keep the conversation running so I said the first thing that entered my head. “Cool” Which sounded a bit senseless. Only Avraham  and Miguel are the only ones I was looking for. I didn’t care about the others since they weren’t important people in my life. Allen was just a guy who had no future. He smokes half a pack of cigar a day. I won’t be surprised if I find out that his parents are mourning for him tomorrow or the following day.

We talked until the time when we had to take different routes came. There was no point in walking her home so we said our farewells.

“Bye. Thanks for walking with me.” She said. Finally, I heard a good word from her.

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