I came in like a wrecking ball

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Stan: *strips*

Emily: *nosebleeds and turns off phone* WOAH! What are you doing?

Stan: YOU were too busy looking up your "weird boys making out" shit to pay attention to anything, so I'm moving on with the dare.

Emily: Okay, first of all, don't you dare insult Matthew Lush-

Stan: Who?

Emily: Fuck you. Second of all, the dare asked for you and Cartman to act out wrecking ball.

Cartman: *walks in wearing thong* You called for me?

Emily: ...I'm just gonna go back to watching gayness...it's hotter than this.

Cartman: Fags. *climbs onto wrecking ball* C'mon, Stan.

Stan: *climbs on and grinds against Cartman* We clawed, we chained our hearts in vain, we jumped, never asking why...

Kenny: *sneaks in with camera*

Cartman: We kissed, I fell under your spell, a love no one could deny.

Kenny: *giggles*


Cartman: *jumps off and crushes Kenny*

Stan: Oh my god...you killed Kenny!

Cartman: FUCK HIM! *swings on wrecking ball*

Emily: Um...um...um...um...bye?

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