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It's tough and drastically hard to be imprisoned by your own thoughts , to be a captive of your own mind .

Ranveer's POV :

I could't help but to feel heavyhearted over the way deepika treated me , I couldn't ignore her acts towards me , the evident dislike written all of her troubled looking face whenever I was around , the way she flinched under my touch , it was all clear .

Deepika was very well-known for being an amazing helpful young lady , she was polite , respectful and caring but then again everyone becomes different and distant around me so I really couldn't blame her , as If I was a sort of a virus which job is to absorb human's kindness away .

I sometimes couldn't quite comprehend why I'm getting too much hate for being a guy who just simply enjoys being alive ?

they don't know the truth Ranveer , My subconscious mind snapped at me .

they would never know

They would never know what you've been through

they would never know the amount of pain and misery and agony you had to endure.....alone .

they would never know that beneath the image of the cheerful , bouncy and chirpy self lays a person with a terrible , horrid and miserable past .

I tried to shake away all of this unwanted feelings and unwanted memories which keeps on finding its way into my head at every possible occasion .

I was a man broken beyond repair , I was a wounded man , my wounds are still bleeding , my worst nightmares were my greatest companion in life but no one sadly could look past me , no one was here to mend and heal my wounds , no one was here to ease my pain , hiding underneath my mask was my only available weapon against life's cruelty .


Hi there !

I'm really sorry for the very late update .

I actually thought of giving up on this story but I really couldn't ;_;

Comments would be appreciated :)

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