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I don't even know why she's glaring at me , I feel like her eyes wants to tore my soul into tiny pieces , what did I do ? did I say something wrong ? I seriously don't get it .

ofc you do Ranveer , it's all a déja vu you idiot , How ? well let me explain to you

I'm not really that popular like other actors , I've had only won one award in 2011 and that award meant the world to me back then , I even ended up weeping my heart out on stage while recieving the award haha , well back to the main point , people don't really like me , well they don't even acknowledge my prescence , for them , I'm nothing but an attention seeker , an annoying brat who takes nothing seriously , people even my own family in many occassions told me that I should quit acting dramatically and start actually acting my age .

I really can't seem to grasp why would people want me to change , we only live once in our lives , don't we ? so why should we restrain ourselves from having fun and actually enjoying our lives ? I'm still young for wanting to spend my entire time worrying over unnecessary things , I must enjoy my life to the fullest before it's too late , death is unpredictable .

Well , I do know that I overreact sometimes , but I just can't help myself .

"Calling from earth , Calling from earth" what

"Daydreaming on your first day ? how wonderful" oh no , I totally forgot .

"I'm sorry , I remembered something important , I wasn't actually daydreaming" she eyed me suspiciously .

"Yeah right , sure thing" Great , she doesn't even believe me .

"Well if you're done with whatever you were doing , I just wanted to tell you that I will be heading back home , Mr.sanjay told us to read the script today at night in order to get to know our characters better " then She handed me the script .

"Okay , Thank you" should I offer her a ride home ? no , she hates me and making her more angry at me is out of question .

"See ya later then " I added .

The brat didn't even offer me a ride back home out of politness , him and his manners , she thought .

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