Soon, Lauren moved a bit closer to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Although it was dark she could see a smile forming on his face.

"Are you cold?" Hunter asked after Lauren snuggled closer to him

"Just a little bit."

"I've got a blanket in my car if you want?" Hunter offered and Lauren smiled and nodded

He quickly took the blanket and wrapped it around Lauren's tiny body, kind of regretting his decision because he lost the contact they had

"Thank you." Lauren said and surprised him by planting a kiss on his cheek and cuddling up to him

"My pleasure."

The silence hit them and the only thing that was heard was their breathing and a soft music from Hunter's car. Give the guy some redit, he actually cared enough to ask Holland and Jake about Lauren's taste in music so he could make a playlist for the date.

Lauren was softly humming to Ed Sheeran's One when Hunter decided to break the silence.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asked

"I'm always up for some secrets."

"Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise."

Hunter nodded and closed his eyes. Like he was preparing himself for something. And he was.

"You look really beautiful under the moonlight, I mean, you always look beautiful. But this, I'm not sure how to describe it. It's more than just beautiful."

Lauren blushed at his words and hid her face in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you." She said after a moment of silence

Hunter nodded his head.

"That's not everything though."he added

Lauren pulled away to look at his face.

"It's not?" She asks

Hunter shook his head and whispered a simple no.

"Tell me then."

His eyes fell on her lips. "I really want to kiss you. Would that be okay?"

Lauren nodded and slowly leaned in, closing her eyes.

The kiss wasn't rushed, he didn't try to stick his tongue in her through, there was no tongue in the kiss at all.

It was gentle and nice.

"God, this feels so good." Hunter said and laughed

Lauren didn't say anything, she gave him another kiss on the cheek and went back to her position.

Lauren yawned and Hunter looked at her.


"A little yeah." she mumbled

"C'mon, I'll take you home."

He opened the door for her she smiled at the gesture.

He really did treat her as a princess. Lauren allowed herself to think about how would it be if they were in a relationship. She knew he'd make her happy. But could she fall for him?

"Don't fall asleep on me buddy, I'm not sure where you live." Hunter said and Lauren chuckled

"Just turn left and then first one after that is right and just drive at straight until I tell you to make a turn."

"Yes ma'am."

"You know... I had fun tonight."

"You did? For real?" Hunter excitedly asked

on the road. (→camren fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora