"Whatever. Do your plan now!" Amos snapped back.


"Well-you see Amos-we can't exactly do anything, because she's right fucking there! Not to mention-she's dying. Dead people can't follow our plans." Michael hissed again, pointing at me.


"Fine." It was Jacob who finally spoke.


"Well you see fellows, now I'm going to take you all back because we lost today's battle. Do you know why? Because three of our best fighters were after a girl who we needed alive and well!" Michael announced.


I feel them leaving. Expect for one person. He had a scent conciliar on, I couldn't smell him. But he was here. I felt it, even with my eyes closed.


My mate.




In seconds I felt my entire wolf in his arms. He held us gently, making sure to be careful of the whip marks that were covered over my body. The pain was still there. The feeling that I was thrown in a snake pit rushed through my body.


"Fuck, Lyra. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." He muttered. Suddenly, I feel him stroking through my fur. I felt my pain relax at his every touch. I felt the blood ease into my body. He bought the head of my wolf up so I was completely facing him. I feel him stroke through my ears gently. If my wolf had her full strength, I knew she'd kiss Atlas in every form possible. But right now, she barely had the strength to stand. 


"I'm sorry. I should've gotten here faster. I should've known-Fuck little wolf. I thought you weren't allowed in the battle and-I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Anything. You-" His voice was shaking I realized.


My wolf whimpered against him. I feel him stroking my ears again, running his hands through the head of my wolf.


I'll be okay. I wanted to tell him. I'll be okay.


But I didn't think I would. The pain that covered through every inch of my body was vicious. It was a disease spreading through every inch of my body.


"I don't know anything about wounds." I hear him admit. "I was never a good healer. But I can take you back to your pack. Will they take good care of you?"


My wolf licked his hand in approval. They would. My pack would make sure I was okay. Atlas stepped closer until his forehead was touching mine. Suddenly, I felt him shifting. I couldn't see the shift, my eyes kept closing but I saw the wolf in front of me. His eyes were brown as they always were, but his wolf was much larger than me. He was a dark grayish color, I realized. I remembered my coat was a lighter color. He was going to take me home in his wolf form, I realized.


And at that, I feel myself drifting away into unconsciousness.




"Can you shift Lyra? Are you strong enough to shift yet?" Daisy's voice is the only thing I hear.

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