Fateful Meeting with Matsuoka Masamune

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay Yukimura san? Your face is flushed, do you have a fever." said Matsuoka then he pressed his forehead to mine."

"Its only a dream, Its only a dream, Its only a dream!!!"I thought to myself. "Kyaa!!!"

I screamed a the top of my lungs and bumped my forehead to his nose.

"Oof! my nose."touching his hurt nostrils then it began to bleed.

"You're bleeding Matsuoka san! Wait I have a tissue."

While tending to his wound.

"I'm really sorry, you don't really have to bother to help a stranger like me."

He suddenly pinched my cheeks and said

"I can't allow any woman to be in danger anymore... I can't."

Then he released my cheeks and said

"To protect damsels like you is my principle in life." folding is arms with his head high professing his dignity.

"Then you are a feminist I say. You really suit in your job as a host."

I commended. Matsuoka thanked me and turned back to the main road we met.

While driving, I saw a book lying on his dashboard out of curiosity I scanned the contents only to see a horrible sexual S & M thing in the book. When Matsuoka glances a while to see I was staggering from fright while reading the book, he laughed and sarcastically said.

"Oh, you took a liking on that book. Hahahahaha! The author and artist of that manga is my bestfriend. You seemed mesmerized reading that book."

"No I'm not! This book is really disgusting." I protested.

"But you're still reading the book."

"Because I'm just curious how will it end."

I said while covering my face still showing my reddish ears because of shame.

"But other girls read ero books in your age. Could that be you're still a VIRGIN?"

Teary eyed, I blurted out "I've never been verbally abused like that before."

"I'm sorry I don't mean to offend you like that."

"It's okay, thank God you're good looking so won't sue you." I frowned and tossed the malicious book back at the dashboard.

When we arrived in his apartment he finds out that he lost the his key of his apartment. To remember that he left it at the locker in his workplace.

"I think we have no choice but to stay at my bestfriend's house."

"Wait-- you mean the one who made that perverted book?"

"Ding, dong! You are correct!"

"W—Wait! Thanks for helping me Matsuoka san but you've made this far,and I owe you a lot. I'll find an inn in this place for a moment."

But when I gazed through the area. I'm not familiar with the place.

To my surprise Matsuoka pulled my hands and said.

"Don't worry, my good friend of mine is harmless. He is in slump today, he will be delighted that a girl would coming over to his place today.

You will be a good reference for his work."

"Wh-what do you mean me as a reference?"

Then the door suddenly opened.

A scruffy bespectacled with thick rimmed glasses man shows up.

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