Chapter 28- Hold Her Tight

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Chapter 28

Jason's P.O.V

As soon as my eyes catch sight of her helpless body, laying limp at the side of the river, something clicks in my head. Like my anger lever or something. Call it what you want but all you need to know is theextent of the fury storming around my mind as I see him crouching over her. Because of my shitty past with Kaylen, because of my shitty obliviousness, she is hurt. He hurt her.

Without thinking I am behind him in seconds. I give a solid punch to the back of his head, forcing him into the river. Slowly he gets up onto his feet but in seconds I kick him back to the floor.

"You mother fucking asshole!" I yell, kicking him for the second time.

And all of a sudden it's like the old days. We fight and punch each other fiercely. Difference is, I'm letting out all my pent up anger on him. Difference is, this is real. Difference is, this time, I hate him.

"What is wrong with you?!" I accuse in-between blocking a punch.

"A lot." He smirks. "I'm messed up Jace."

"Don't call me that you fuckboy."

"Jace. You're the reason I'm so fucked up in the head." Kaylen retorts.

"Oh shut up."

"No. For once, you're going to listen to me. For once, you're going to fucking understand where I'm coming from." He snarls as I throw in another punch. "Do you know how hard it was? To be your friend. The guy who listened to all your problems. The guy who helped you through all you crap. The guy who always had your back no matter what?"

"Oh so you think that that's a suitable excuse to do what you did to Liz? Because you had a fucking hard time being my friend?" I yell.

"I was the one who brought you back, Jason. I was the one who picked up the pieces to your broken world. ME. But that wasn't enough was it? Not enough for you to understand how I felt- feel about you."

"You killed someone. You're a full on crazy bastard. You even had the nerve to give Jenny flowers? What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"She threatened to tell you about me ruining Lizzy's performance."

"You're inhumane. You're... How could you? Jenny is such a sweet girl, yet you, you brought her such sorrow. You say you did all this because of me? Because you 'love' me. Well let me tell you something Kaylen." I glare, as we stop fighting and just stand a meter apart from each other, arms limp. "You don't love me. That's just your excuse to have something to do. I know what happened Kaylen. You left me. You got into the wrong crowd, abandoned our friendship when I tried to help and you turned to drugs and dealing. And then something happened, didn't it?

You, Kaylen Davis, fell for someone. Didn't you? I remember our old conversations, before everything went wrong. You never liked women because of your father's history with them. And then one day... you fell for someone. After years of deciding you're only interested in guys, you accidentally fell in love with a girl. And you got scared, you backed out. And to get out of it, you convinced yourself into believing yourself that you loved me. Because it was easier than admitting that you allowed your heart to go to a woman.

You thought I wouldn't realise this? Or that I'd never figure it out? Come on! I was your bestfriend for Christ's sake! It would be impossible for me to not realise if you were in love with me. When listening to your conversation with Liz, oh God, For a split second I thought of the possibility of you loving me. But here, right now, being in front of you has made me realise everything under your cracked brain. I see you. You're not angry with me, or Elizabeth. Not even Mrs Walker. You're angry with yourself."

By now, I'm completely out of breath. As I watch him slump to the ground, tears streaming down his face, my heart and mind breaks. Maybe, if I had figured it out earlier, I could have got him help. I could have saved my bestfriend from fucking up. I could have prevented Mrs Walker'd death, Jenny's pain. And I could have ensured Elizabeth's safety.

The thing is, what's happened has happened now. I can't change it, no one can. I just need to see her so I can make sure that we will get back up from this. From all the crap thrown at us in the past few weeks.

I turn around and walk slowly towards Charles and Liz. She's awake! Her eyes are wide and I realise she must have overheard everything I said. Charles is on his knees, Liz's head resting on top of his thighs. She looks so distraught I just want to take her into my arms.

And that's exactly what I do. Charles gives me a quick nod as I gently take her into my arms. I lean forward, pressing a soft kiss against her lips. My mouth moves to hover over her ear and without thinking, I say the words that have been on my mind through this whole ordeal.

"I love you."

I feel her relax into me. She doesn't reply, but the look in her eyes is enough. Sirens fill the air and I sigh in relief as I see the first ambulance approach. I hold Liz tighter.

They take her away on a stretcher whilst I stay behind to answer questions.

I quickly summarise everything that has happened. I don't want to leave Liz alone in the hospital. Kaylen was handcuffed and the look in his eye when he left, it just leaves me with the I don't even know thought. Like, what am I supposed to do?

"Sir, I'm afraid we're going to have to take you in for further questioning into the murder of Mrs Walker."


A/N- I'm pretty sure I said I was gonna end this book soon... Urm I don't know xD I predict only a couple more chapters left. Hope school goes easy on my so I can finally finish Jace& Lizzy's story!

Definitely only 2 chapters left and maybe an epilogue.

Hope you enjoyed and hope it makes sense... I'm sleepy okay? xD

Kay BYE xo

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