Chapter 6- Helpless

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Chapter 6

Lizzy's P.O.V

Today has been quite a day. I'm glad Jenny came over; I mean I had a fun time. I barely remember the last time I enjoyed myself like this. I don't even feel that much alone when I'm in the company of Jenny and even Charles!

I continue thinking about my surprisingly awesome day whilst walking down the alley way that is a short cut to my house. It has gotten pretty dark, which is a relief, since I wouldn't want anyone thinking I've gone loony with that idiotic smile plastered across my face. Yeah I might have had fun, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm freaking exhausted. I can't wait to go inside my room and simply just sleep. I sigh in satisfaction. Today really was a good day. A good day indeed.

Out of nowhere, I am grabbed and pushed against the brick wall of the alley way. What the hell? Pain inches up my spine. The next few things happen in a matter of seconds. I see the outline of a big burly man and open my mouth to scream, but his hand slaps across my mouth.

"You better not scream girly. What's a pretty girl like you doing, wondering down an alley on her own?" He sneers at me.

I try to scream again but it is muffled by his enormous hand. About a thousand thoughts invade my mind. Think Elizabeth! What can I do to get out of this situation? I struggle against his hold. His free hand clasps around my head, whilst he removes his hand from covering my mouth and squeezes my shoulder tight. He starts to kiss up my neck with revolting, yet threatening kisses.

"Don't you even think about screaming, little girl." He mocks me. I feel anger engulf me and I can't take it anymore. A few traitorous tears slide down my face. However, before I can do anything, I feel his rough lips pushed against my own. He shoves his filthy and lumpy excuse of a tongue down my throat. I bite down as hard as I can on his tongue, earning a yelp from him. The metallic taste of his blood fills my mouth. I pull away quickly and ball my fist, putting as much force as I can into a punch to his face. Shit! My hand. Pain shoots up my entire arm and I know that I've broken something.

"You little bitch! You are so lucky I like them feisty. If you wanna play hard to get, let me just tell you that I will play hard to get you, you little brat. And trust me, I'll rough you up so much you will be begging for my pleasure later, screaming my name out!" He snarls at me, his spit flying across my face. This son of a bitch.

"Look around, pretty lady, nobody's here to save you." He suddenly punches me straight in the stomach. Followed by another punch. His grip on my shoulder never faltering. Throbbing pain explodes through my stomach and lower abdomen. The man grips my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. More tears escape from my eyes. I feel so helpless. He's right, there is no one around to help me.

Suddenly, I feel the man's entire body wrenched away from me. My body slips down the wall to the ground. He falls back, two figures emerge from the shadows. The one who pulled the man away from me punches him square in the jaw, then gives a second punch directed at the man's stomach.

"You stupid fucker. I hate people like you. Exploiting a young female? You sicken me." He growls. I recognise the voice but cannot match it to a face in my dreary state. The other figure approaches me quickly. Reaching for my head and lifts it in his hand, gently.

"Lizzy. I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner." He whispers to me. I find myself staring a pair of pale green eyes.

"C-Charles?" My voice breaking when I say his name. Oh my God. Charles is here? How did he find me?

"Yeah, the one and only." He shoots me a small, sincere smile. "I really am sorry."

I hate him seeing me like this. Seeing me in my weak state. I become aware of a small whimpering sound mixed with a groan. I look past Charles, lifting my head up and notice the other figure, punching and kicking the man on the floor.

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