Chapter 15: Home Away from the World

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Having her appetite lost, Andrea wipes her mouth using the white cloth neatly placed on her lap as she pushes her chair away from the long brown dining table.

"Alexandria, where not yet done. Sit down!" The man in her left side sternly stated.

She exasperatedly ruffled her red long locks throwing an irritated looks to the chancellor. "Look, I already know what you will say and please... Can you not just spare me from your ranting even just for today? I am already taking amendments from my acts of stupidity. Just leave me alone Dad and go back to your precious university priorities after all that was all that matters right?"

"Watch your words young lady! Do you think your mother will be pleased if she hears you-"

"Oh please Dad! what do you really know about Mother's feelings? When you are so darn numb of all those tears she shed! Can't believe you let us live in those years full of lies?!"

"W-what??" The man in his early forties had his jaw dropped upon hearing what she said.

"What? Surprised aren't you dad? I already know..." Tears are starting to fill her hazel orbs, but Andrea was too stubborn to let her father see her weakness. She was too mad of all those years she had been shunned away with that unaccepting truth about her parent's reason of separation. She could have understand if her father cheated over some woman, but the disgusting truth which flips her stomach to sends out those foul liquids filled with seemed like acidity made her wish to vomit each time the thought crosses her mind.

Max gritted his jaw and looks at her daughter and shifts to look at the three maids whom heads are carefully bowed down. Having felt the suffocating sensitive fills the atmosphere, the fifty years in service as the butler of the Russell linage, Emil silently gestured the awaiting maids to leave the dining area.

The red haired scrunched her nose, as she noticed the group of their female servants left the room, trying to shove the thoughts away she spats the poisonous word she had been meaning to tell her father. "No wonder she left us. You're disgusting do you even think about that?"

The older Russell swallowed hard as the gas of suffocating toxins filled his mind, this was the day he had been fearing the most. He knew that his daughter must know about the truth but never had he seen it to come this way. He was not prepared.

"You should have given me to Mom instead Dad, I never wanted to stay with you anyway. You're a liar."
She heard the beeping sound coming from Khrystle's car. Her best friend had volunteered to fetch her this morning.

"Y-you don't know what you're saying kid..." There was defeat in her father's words, she closed her eyes trying to ignore the excruciating hurt she also felt upon hearing it.

Andrea turned her back. "Yeah, I know nothing but the truth that you had lied to me Dad. I could have understood if you at least had stayed with us but it seems like you let everything drift off and went with that man to his death."

"Andrea, I swear I do love you and your mom-"

"Stop it Dad, I've seen and felt enough. I'm done. I'd rather not hear you speak again for I don't think I'd be able to believe you." She took her bag beside the chair where she was seated and started to trail off away from the now silent chancellor.

"You are not leaving are you Andrea?" There was strenuous despair mixed with desperateness in his voice which made the younger Russell felt a pang of pain in her heart for the old man.

"Well I'm stuck, seems Mom doesn't wanna be found anyway." She shrugged her shoulder completely leaving the dining room.


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