Chapter 14: Selective Reality

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I caught Jessica had thrown me that leering look after being pecked by my blond inexplicable classmate.

Dragging my eyes away from the two, who bluntly had pulled such a scandalous act in front of us? They were already few feet away from us and I'm still in this inner war inside my head. I don't owe Amber an explanation but being caught up with those harsh words after the comforting acts she had done for me last night?

I am straight and there's no fcking way that I'd stained my hands with such immoral acts.

Hell it made me look like such an ungrateful bitch! Knowing the reality behind those lies.

This is that slutty sly fox faced fault! Andrea looked up in search for McHavey whom was already nowhere to be found! Shit she had done this on purpose. I should have known, that grimace means something!

I've got nothing to do with Amber. Now, will you get lost? Everybody knows that you know nothing but to whore around!

She shut her eyes out of frustration. How can I get nothing to do with her? When we did kissed! Initially initiated by well... the stupid me and the second one was when she mysteriously appeared at our home. And how those few encounters got me stranded with those memories it left, still up to this point lingering inside my head no matter how I painstakingly shoved them off my mind.

I like her! I bit my lip and brushing a hand on my red curls. Remembering the Italian disc jockey's last statement.

Hell yeah, I don't mind switching teams, like duhh... dummy are those who can't see how she's a one drop dead gorgeous for me not to be lured by.

Yes, I guess I am just confusingly attracted to her.

And believe me, when I say she is more than capable of providing me the cloud nine, some dickheads thought they are so skilled with

I felt that distraught building inside my chest. I shook my head. NO! I'm such a dumbass Idiot! This is guilt! Just guilt, she doesn't deserve those words! Maybe this will eventually stop if I apologize?

I felt a hand groped my waist, I look up from zoning out finding Vladimir's pair of blue orbs giving me a questioning look, " You still with us boo?"

I sighed, "I'm sorry I zoned out a bit..." It was partially the truth.

Vladimir cleared his throat trying to break everyone's silence.

"Phew, that can't be disgusting, that was HOT!" It was Tommy with an amazed look in his eyes, clapping both of his hands feeling entertained.

"Y- yeah I honestly think it was" Yvonne unbelievably stated still stunned about what just happened. "Ah I mean it was Jessica Petrova right? That was absolutely her!"

"Some geeky retired pianist can really get lucky at times isn't? But nah still, it was too gayishly eww... grossed!" Melissa bickers. "I am a fan of Petrova, but now I know she is gay? That's a major off"

"Stop it Melissa, you were ogling at them with that breathtaking lip locking" Carmel scoffs her off.

"No I'm not!"

"Well the rumors are true at least, but we need to drop it off. You see that nerdy no more Amber is oddly untouchable, she hasn't shown up to our class these past few days but manages to get to inside the campus as if nothing happened." John tried drawing out some conclusions.

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