Living With A Police Officer Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

            “Why?” I roar my gun still raised to his head.

            Cunningly I raise it higher until it meets him between the eyes. If I pull the trigger, I won’t miss. He’ll be in Hell and Harmony will be safe. Unless of course he jumps out of the way…

            “For getting away, for telling people. I can’t afford to go to jail Drew” Blaine says shaking his head feigning grief and counting off the two things on his fingers.

            I snort in repulsion, “See I’d understand that if anyone else BUT you said that to my f******* face. But too bad for you, I don’t” I hiss, “You raped her that’s enough blood and that deserves prison for life. She told no one and yet it looks to me that still there’s no way your getting out of here alive or not in jail”

            Blaine cackles, “Oh but you don’t seem to comprehend Drew, she doesn’t love you, she’s never under any circumstances loved you, she’s always loved me. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was carrying my kid”

            Harmony’s sobs grow louder and fiercer. I can’t keep my feet glued to the floor anymore. I dive forward, knocking Harmony out of harm’s way and fire directly at his head. Blaine dodges out of the way and produces a gun from his pocket.

            A wicked grin spreads across his features and he too fires. I keep my body positioned protectively in front of Harmony firing my gun frequently. Blaine laughs and circles me having the upper hand. I won’t move from the floor. Circling Harmony’s wounded body on my knees I keep my eyes locked firmly to Blaine watching his every move waiting for him to slip up.

There was no way I’m going to let him hurt her anymore then he already has.

I shoot again and stupidly glance over my shoulder Harmony cowering on the floor behind me. Blaine takes this split second to fire a shot that rips through my shoulder. I cry out in pain and squeeze my eyes shut.

“DREW” Harmony cries.

She springs from the floor fast enough for me to not have any time to grab her. She shoves her face into Blaine and spits, “You sick son of a bitch”

She throws her small body at him and knocks the gun free from his grasp with her knee. She starts kicking him with all she has in her and throws blind punches left and right as her jet black hair whips her in the face. Even though my shoulder is searing with pain, I pick myself up from the floor.

Harmony is way more important then a damn shoulder.

At that instant, Blaine seizes the knife from his boot and drives it through Harmony’s side, yanking it down violently before throwing her body at the far wall. I can’t see anymore or hear anything else because of the fury I feel.

With his back to me, Blaine approaches Harmony raising his glinting knife to stab it through her heart. I shoot him without stopping until bullets are no longer coming from my gun and my gun clicks every time I pull the trigger.

Living With A Police Officer *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now