"Stiles! Oh my goodness, I knew you two would end up together." My mothers voice radiated throughout the house, me slowly turning my head to face her.

"We're not together." I laughed a bit, the blush now deepening as I motioned for Stiles to come in. "We're just going with each other because neither of us had dates."

My mother gave me a skeptical look, "Mhmm. Well I still get a picture."

After taking an album worth of photos, my mother had eventually waved us off, Stiles and I now strolling over towards his light blue vehicle.

The pale boy did not hesitate to open the car door for me, bowing hilariously as a large grin enlightened his features.


I laughed, mocking his tone of voice along with a foolish curtsy, "Why thank you very much, sir."

I carefully made my way into the car, watching as Stiles rushed around over to his side and scrambled in himself.

"This is going to be fun." I smiled, watching as he started the jeep. The engine roaring with ease.

"Oh yeah, as long as you're with me. You're going to have the night of your life." Stiles joked, backing out my driveway and eventually onto the road.

I chuckled, "I can't wait."


Stiles and I had fortunately made it towards the school, the both of us gracefully leaping out the car as we watched the many teenagers mimic our mere action.

I looked over at Stiles, in whom had hesitantly inter-winded our slim fingers. He looked beyond nervous, and I wasn't quite sure why. It's not like he hasn't held my hand before.

"Is this okay?" He asked, glancing down at our clashed palms.

I smiled, a small chuckle proceeding afterwards, "Of course it is."

While we began to inch further towards the formal, I caught sight of Allison, Lydia, Jackson, and Lydia's strange looking date all huddled together. None of them looking too thrilled with the people they had fatefully ended up with, well that was besides Lydia's date. Who looked too stoned to be capable of remembering anything the next day. But hey, he looked happy alright.

"Allison, Lydia." I chirped, causing the two to whip their heads around in unison, as well as grin madly. "You two look so pretty!"

"So do you, oh my gosh." Allison gushed, eyes gazing about my emerald dress.

"Ah! Melanie! You look fantastic. Can't even tell it's a knock off from the real deal." Lydia attempted to complement, earning a laugh and a small thank you in return.

"Let's go." Jackson whined, fiddling with the pocket within in his blazer, "I brought something to make this party a little less. . .boring."

He showed the six of us a glimpse of a silver flask, in which was obviously filled with alcohol. Something he had tried to hide, but failed in doing so. For the medium sized beverage was in plane sight. But, he gets away with it every year. So, I'd rather not question it.

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