"I never said I don't want to come. I just said that I don't know yet."

"But why?"

"I don't know."

"Liam wants to know who comes so he knows how much food he needs."

"This is going to be a typical Liam party, isn't it?"


"Great. I'll tell him later if I come or not."


I put my phone on my bed and sigh. Liam is nice, but his parties are not really good. They're boring to be honest. Everone sits in his house and nobody knows what to do. Zayn's parties, they are amazing! He always has good music and a lot of people are there. Everyone is dancing and having fun. He always takes some bottles of alcohol from his parents and replaces them after the party. His parents go out very often or they do a trip with work. Often they stay away the whole weekend and Zayn can do amazing parties. Liam's parents never go out. That's why his parties aren't good, I think.

I go back to Gemma's room and knock on the door again. I wait a few seconds, but when she doesn't reply I knock again.

"Gemma?" I ask, but there's no answer.

I slowly open the door and look through the gap. She's not there and the laptop is closed on her bed. I know I shouldn't do it, but I quickly sneak into the room and take the laptop. I run back into my room and close the door behind me. Then I sit down on my bed and open the laptop. Gemma is still logged into Facebook and I'm not proud, but this is a good chance to check it. I see that she's writing with this guy, Jake, for a while and read their chat. She likes him! I chuckle to myself and log out of Facebook. I log into Skype and see that Louische is on. I quickly click on his name and our chat pops up.

Harry: Hey Lou! Sorry that it took me so long.

Louis: Hey, what happened? You're never late.

Harry: We only have one laptop and my sister had it.

Louis: Oh ok. Why don't you have a own laptop?

Harry: Ask my mom! I don't know. I'd love to have my own one.

Louis: We can also chat on Wattpad, you know. You have the App, don't you?

Harry: Oh right! I forgot that I have it! Normally I have the laptop so I didn't need it.

Louis: So what are you doing?

Harry: I just stole the laptop.

Louis: How did you do that? :D

Harry: I sneaked into my sisters room when she wasn't n there and took it.

Louis: Cheeky boy!

Harry: Haha. :D

Louis: I love that side of you!

Harry: Thanks.

Louis: Do you want to talk?

Harry: Of course!

Louis: Ok, I'll call you.

A few seconds later Louis calls me and I answer his call.

"Hey Lou!" I say smiling.

"Hey!" he says.

"Lou, I have a question." I say.

"You can ask me everything!" Louis says.

"Why don't we video chat?" I ask, my cheeks blushing a bit.

"I'd love that!" Louis says and a big smile appears on my face.

Internet Love [Larry] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now