"What did they do?" Kai asked worriedly.

"Well, there is a well known bully in our school named Cassandra," the principal explained. "And she seems to enjoy picking on Julia. It has never bothered Julia but she said some things today that made her brother very angry."

"What did Xavier do?" Lloyd asked pale faced.

"I'm getting to that. Anyway, the girls boyfriend got involved and he and Xavier got into a fight. Seeing as how your children have been trained in every conceivable fighting skill known to man, this wasn't your normal fight. Your daughter Katrina joined in as well, Mr. Flamey," Principal Jones explained. "It was only the two of them. At first it would've been a normal fight but Xavier used his elemental abilities on him. I can't say I blame him but it cannot be tolerated. Your daughter made a display of hers as well; though she didn't actually attack with them."

"He is in so much trouble," Lloyd said dangerously.

"Mr. Garmadon," the principal said. "We have been noticing a change in your son. He is more irritable, he doesn't respect the teachers as much anymore, he hasn't been doing homework; we can't figure out what's wrong."

"This won't happen again," Lloyd said avoiding the principal's observation. "Our one big rule that was never to be broken; was the use of powers at school."

"Same goes for my daughter," Kai said in an angry tone. "We are very sorry about this."

"It's quite alright," Jones said. "But all four of the offenders are suspended until further notice."

"I would expect no less," Lloyd growled. "Thank you, Principal Jones."


"You used your powers at school!?" Aira and Skylor shouted in unison.

"Yes," Katrina hung her head. Xavier, however; showed no remorse.

"What has gotten into you?!" Kai asked Katrina angrily.

"My friends were being bullied and attacked!" Katrina shouted back.

"Don't you take that tone of voice with me, young lady!" Kai seethed.

"And you!" Lloyd said pointing at Xavier. "You could've killed that boy!"

"But I didn't! I know how to control my powers now! What happened to you when I was first learning was a one time thing!"

"It happened because you disobeyed us! Just like you did today!" Aira said putting her hands on her hips.

"This was our one big rule that was never to be broken!" Skylor shouted. "This is serious! You are supposed to use your powers to protect people! Not hurt them for you own gain! Can't you take some verbal comments?! You have to be able to control your temper!"

"And I was protecting people!" Xavier shouted at her. She took a step back in shock. "He said some awful things to Julia!"

"Look," Kai said. "It's normal to get in fights at this age. Doesn't mean it's right but it's normal. But having elemental powers is not normal! You shouldn't have used them!"

"I can do whatever the hell I please!" Xavier bellowed. His eyes flickered to red and then back to green.

"Xavier!" Lloyd shouted.

"No! Everyone leave me alone!" Xavier yelled. He punched a nearby post in fury. They heard a cracking sound.

"Xavier, we need to figure out how to cure this," Lloyd said sadly. "This is getting worse by the day!"

"Why? I feel more powerful than ever!" Xavier suddenly realized what he was saying. His face fell and he sunk to the floor. "Oh please, what is happening to me?!"

"Xavier, calm down okay, babe?" Katrina said slowly. Kai grunted in displeasure at her pet name for him.

"No, back off!" Xavier growled.

They all looked up at another cracking sound. Aira screamed as a portion of the roof fell. They heard a scream come from the second floor and saw a blur fall with the ceiling.

"Jacqueline!" Lloyd and Aira screamed in unison.

Xavier stepped away from the rubble in horror. Lloyd and Aira ran towards the rubble and carefully removed pieces of the ceiling from off of her. Lloyd began to frantically check for damage. She wasn't responding. Aira burst into tears and Lloyd checked her pulse. She was still alive but she was unconscious.

Xavier looked down at his hands. He was causing his family pain. He ran from the room and out the door. Katrina yelled after him and followed him out.

"Stay away! I might hurt you too!" He yelled.

"No, you won't," Katrina said. "And wherever you go, I'm going!"

"I'm leaving for good," Xavier warned.

"Then I'm coming too," Katrina said hopping up onto his dragon behind him. Xavier took off into the evening gloom leaving his family behind.

A/n- Tension is rising!!!!!! What's gonna happen!!! Hope you enjoyed!! -LL_17

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