Final Day Part One

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~ Ann ~

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock. I heard the shower running in the bathroom....Abby I assumed..

I only had five hours of sleep....I sigh deeply....

"Yoohoo~" Jin appears on my bed with a grin

I smile at him and thought he reminds me of Camus but not the personality.

"We're leaving at 3pm me at the fountain..." Jin says then slowly fades away

I bury my face into my knees and swallow the ball that was forming in my throat which was suffocating me.

* ding ding *

I check my phone and saw a video. I tap on it.

"Ohayoo AnnChan!! AbbyChan!" Natsuki says in the video

"Don't hog it, Natsuki!" Syo yells loudly and forcefully grabs the phone

His kawaii face shows on the screen.

"Just come down stairs.....we have a surprise" he says shyly trying to act manly

Then he passes it to Otoya.

"Uhh....what do I say again, Tokiya?" He whispers as he covers the camera

"Didn't I just----*sighs* mention about the surprise and do something you usually do...." Tokiya says bluntly

"Gomen, Tokiya!" Otoya whisper yells

Finally his face shows.

"Ohayoo! Come downstairs! We have a great surprise for you!" Otoya says cutely

I smile. Then he passes the phone.

"Ohayoo, come down stairs.....we have a treat for you" Reiji says in this flirtatious way

My heart stops as I saw Reiji eyes.

"Come downstairs, my angels!" Reiji says happily

"Reiji! Your gon---"

Then the video ends there....with Reiji dropping the phone or camera.

I laugh as I heard Ranmaru yelling at Reiji in the video.

"Those dummies...." I say quietly to myself

~ Abby ~

I exit the bathroom humming to a song that I sang with Kira.

"Morning, Abby.....the others want us downstairs" Ann says entering the bathroom

I froze in that spot as I heard the bathroom door close shut. But, we were suppose to plan something.....

"Those idiots...." I say aloud then put on a simple dress

* ding ding *

Ren: Good morning, little lamb ;)

I smile at his text.

Me: Good morning

Gosh, I don't think I will ever forget this adventure....or whatever this is called...

Meeting Ren and the others. Singing with them. Dancing with them. More memories that are so precious to me.

"Abby.....are you okay?" Ann asks behind me

I exhale from my nose and turn around. Her hair was half up and half down. She was wearing leggings and a long sweater along with some ankle high shoes.

"Yeah, I'm okay....lets go" I say with a smile bringing a suitcase

Ann brought a suitcase too. We opened the door about to exit but we looked behind us and saw the empty room.

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