By One Condition

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I was taken near the end of the hall. I meet blue eyes. Ren.
"My lady I apologize but my heart aches the way you look at him"
Don't tell me....he's....He's....jealous!
"You mean Kira! He's been my idol since forever now! Including you, Hayato even Tokiya. oh! And Satsuki!" I say cheerfully

Ren didn't say anything. He just looked at me with sadden eyes. I smile.
"Ren...don't look at me like that....I'm just going to say, I've always liked you personally" I say and walked off
"Lady..." I heard him say


Oh dear....
"Love is forbidden at this academy...Camus" Masato says
I gulp. Don't fight...
"Hijirikawa, do you think I do not know that" Camus says
"I apologize, Camus.....I am just informing you that~" Masato says but
"Informing your Senior about the rules?" Camus says

The out burst is gonna happen.....
"Look, we all know love is forbidden but for one thing if we like someone, it is not easy hiding it, now is it? Masato you blush including you CamusSenpai, love is there but we just can't physically love the please stop arguing....look I do like both of you and I just can't~"
I realized I just confessed there. Camus and Masato looked at me with there eyes widen.

I gulp. Why did I do that?!
"Forget what I said!" I say and I run off inside


I heard someone running down the hall. I look behind me it was Ann. She hugs me.
"What's wrong?!" I ask
"I'm a complete idiot! Abby! I just confessed to Camus and Masato!" Ann says
I start laughing.
"Think before you say it" I say
"It's not funny.....I made things worse for myself..." Ann says

~~~~Time Skipped~~~~


We were all in the living room. Waiting for Shining to arrive from his meeting. It's really awkward because....
"AnnChan!!!" Natsuki calls me
They made me sit beside Masato!!!
I look over at Abby, she was talking with ReijiSan.


Awe!!! Masa and Ann.....suddenly she sticks out her tongue at me. I grin.
"AnnChan is so kawaii!!!!"
Natsuki hugs her making her bump into Masato. I smile, what a coincidence.
Suddenly, Shining and the teachers enter the room.

"Oyahopo!!!" RingoSensei
"Hahahahoho!!" Shining laughs.
Ryuya just sighs.
Shining announces our competition against Heavens and my duet with Kira. Isn't it weird to do a duet with an idol who is in a different agency?


Suddenly, Shining went close to my face.
"But! You Miss have to become the composer of Heavens and switch to Raging Entertainment! If you two lose against Heavens!"
My whole world stopped at that very moment....
'Wouldn't that be fate...'
Eicchi voice echoed in my head..


"But president!!! Wait! Can you cancel it!?!" I ask
Shining said he couldn't and he left the room. I look down to the floor in sadness. I can't do this without Ann....if we lose I'll lose Ann....

I look over to Ann....her face was shadowed and her hands were clenching the coach.


I swallow the big ball that was forming in my throat.
"Are you okay.....AnnChan?" Natsuki asks
"Didn't Nanami go threw this?" Syo says
It was a moment of silence. I stood up.
"Don't worry about me....excuse me" I bow and left the room


Ann....Baka Heavens well except Kira. Doing a duet with Kira does make me happy but.....
Ren doesn't look too happy about it....
I went to go sit with Ren.
"Ren....are you alright?"
He completely ignored me....

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